The Agile Intelligent Enterprise: Making the Business Case for SAP S/4HANA
Clever Planning for a Successful Migration
S/4HANA Revisited
Has the time now come for SAP’s next-generation application environment to go mainstream?
Hyper-converged has come of age
Modern infrastructure options are now integral to service delivery
The Hybrid IT Platform Imperative
Building a solid systems foundation for digital transformation
Lifecycle Management of HCI Systems
Every element of the solution needs attention
Modern Data Protection for HCI
HCI has moved on, and data protection for HCI has to catch up
Investing in data storage in the age of cloud & compliance
A guide for business executives
Updating your data storage plans for the era of cloud
An assessment guide for IT teams
Making server decisions for hybrid IT
If you think hybrid IT renders your server knowledge obsolete, think again
How hybrid IT changes your data journey
Hybrid IT drives a shift in storage thinking from capacity to service
Can integrated systems help build hybrid IT?
Things to know when planning your hybrid future
AI in Industry: The Myths and Reality
Machine Learning as a key enabler of next-generation industry
Modernize your SAP landscape
The 'no compromise' HCI option
Get going with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub
Accelerating adoption of hybrid cloud
Accelerate to hybrid cloud
FUJITSU Integrated System PRIMEFLEX for Microsoft Azure Stack Hub brings cloud into the data center
Consistency is key with hybrid cloud
Can Microsoft Azure Stack Hub negate your public cloud barriers?
Advantage: Rack Workstation
Where remote access to a rackable workstation makes sense
HCI solutions & SAP HANA
Modern systems for modern software
The non-volatile memory opportunity
Why NVM matters
The fall and rise of the Mono-socket Server
Why cores matter as much as sockets Things are different on the desktop, but in[...]
Taking vSphere into the future
Which route – Converged, Hyper-converged or DIY?
Storage in the Era of NVMe
An Evaluation Guide for IT Teams As an IT professional dealing with storage, you will[...]
Choice in a Shifting Landscape
A Business Perspective on Enterprise Storage in the Age of Flash and NVMe As you[...]
The Service Integration Journey Infographic
Content Contributors: Bryan Betts & Laura Rose