The ‘Freeform’ part of the name reflects our philosophy of encouraging analysts to think and research freely across technology and business boundaries, which we see as key to providing properly-informed contextual advice in an increasingly complex world. The ‘Dynamics’ part of the name speaks to our philosophy of continually challenging and updating our analysis, views and opinions as things change in this fast-moving industry, rather than taking a position and defending it come-what-may.

It’s our sponsorship model that allows us to make the highest quality insights available free-of-charge to technology buyers and users. Our approach is possible because many IT vendors are keen to have their brands associated with material that genuinely puts the interests of their customers first. Our sponsors are drawn from this subset of suppliers that really ‘get’ the principle of customer centricity.

Becoming a sponsor is easy. We have a research agenda in each of our areas of focus that identifies the market studies, papers and other materials we see a need for based on feedback from the enterprise, SMB and public sectors. You can either approach one of the analysts that appears on the topic page to discuss sponsorship opportunities, or contact us via

As a sponsor of a survey-based research study, you’ll get to influence the scope and emphasis of the investigation, with the assurance that the lead analyst will always make sure the questionnaire is kept credible, balanced and objective. We then do all of the heavy-lifting – data collection, analysis, interpretation and reporting – leading up to the delivery of a compelling set of co-branded output to add punch to your marketing and sales activities.

Many of our vendor clients come to us with ideas and requirements for surveys, papers, articles, speaker engagements and so on to support campaigns, launches and other market initiatives. We have a whole range of services on offer to suit budgets of all sizes, each designed to generate compelling output aimed at fostering sustainable win/win relationships with your customers and prospects.

In a complex world with lots of inter-dependencies and blurred lines, the contextual insights that stem from cross-discipline knowledge are critical. Our analysts are able to maintain a broad view because even in their core coverage areas, they stay focused on the things that really matter. Unlike analysts working in category silos, they spend a minimal amount of time on secondary issues and transient detail. This is why they often come across as more business-focused and authoritative.

If you represent an IT vendor or service provider and would like to offer a briefing to one of our analysts, start by looking at the About page and identify the analyst(s) concerned. You are then welcome to contact them directly, or if you need help identifying the right person, contact Tony Lock, our Director of Engagement, or send an email to

Beyond the essentials of your offering, the analyst will be interested in who you are trying to help and in what circumstances (industries, company sizes, roles, scenarios, use cases, etc). This is because they know that success is often dependent on alignment between the supplier and customer view of the world, e.g. how they define the problem or opportunity. Beware that our point of reference here is what we hear directly from technology buyers, not the prevailing ‘industry narrative’ propagated by larger analyst firms (which is often different).

Our best advice is to prepare for a lively discussion. We see briefings as a two-way exchange, and our continuous dialogue with technology leaders, practitioners and stakeholders means we are typically acting as a proxy for the buyer or user. This is why senior execs in some of the largest tech companies make the time to regularly speak with our analysts – far from being a ‘chore’, they see it as both thought-provoking and enjoyable.

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