Research Library
It is time to reconsider Server Based Storage
November 5, 2020

What you thought you knew about storage has changed

Data is important to almost everything a company does, and many would say that it is essential, so where and how you store that data is equally important. For at least 20 years, the de facto standard for many data use cases has been networked storage. However, people are beginning to talk again about Server Based Storage, or SBS, as being viable in certain situations. Why is this?

A major reason is, quite simply, that SBS solutions today are not the same as they were 20 years ago because storage, like many other areas of IT, has greatly evolved. In particular, modern SBS is no longer simply direct-attached storage hardware–it also has a software element, allowing it to be accessed and used much more flexibly.

In this paper, we will explore how storage in general and SBS, in particular, have changed, and why now may be the time to reconsider SBS alongside other storage solutions.

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