A straightforward look at SAP master data automation

If you’re knee-deep in the world of SAP and data management, you almost certainly know the pain of dirty data. It’s inaccurate, inconsistent, and a real headache when you’re trying to make data-driven decisions.

Which is why we’ve just published a paper on the automation of SAP master data management. In it, we explore the challenges and opportunities that come with managing master data effectively in SAP environments, and the paper doesn’t just stop at identifying the problem. It digs into the root causes, and identifies what for many organisations will be a new approach – a different way of working that’s much more sustainable than the usual data cleansing routines.

Who is responsible for MDM?

Master data management (MDM) has very often been seen as the domain of IT, mostly because it is complex to do and no one else wanted the responsibility of handling it routinely. But let’s be honest, it’s high time we moved it into the business arena where it really belongs. The data we’re talking about here isn’t just a bunch of numbers – it’s integral to business processes and decision-making. So, it makes sense that, governance aspects aside, it’s the people who use this data who should decide how it’s managed.

This key change in emphasis also connects through to the likes of self-service analytics. This is about empowering the people in business units to create their own data reports and dashboards. It’s not about sidelining IT but making the whole process more efficient and aligned with business goals.

Another key takeaway from the paper is the potential for automated MDM to bring substantial efficiency gains. Automation can handle data entry, validation and even data cleansing with precision and speed that no human can match. This not only reduces the risk of errors but also frees up valuable human resources for more strategic tasks. Efficiency and accuracy – a win-win for any organisation.

Bite-size or big-bang?

When it comes to implementing MDM, the report strongly suggests an incremental approach. Start by understanding your regular business processes and then build your MDM rules around that. It’s not rocket science, but you’d be surprised how often this straightforward approach is overlooked.

Finally, for those who like to see a real example, not just the theories, the report includes a case study on a modern MDM solution called Maextro. It’s built on SAP’s Business Technology Platform and aims to make the complex task of MDM a lot more manageable.

So, if you’re up for a detailed discussion of SAP Master Data Management – one that could lead your organisation to a more efficient and cost-effective future – you can download the full report for free here. Its insights and practical advice could make an SAP or IT administrator’s life a whole lot easier.


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Bryan Betts is sadly no longer with us. He worked as an analyst at Freeform Dynamics between July 2016 and February 2024, when he tragically passed away following an unexpected illness. We are proud to continue to host Bryan’s work as a tribute to his great contribution to the IT industry.

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