Research Library
Generative AI Checkpoint
December 10, 2024

What do IT leaders really think?

It can sometimes feel as if the only thing that matters in the tech world at the moment is AI. The level of press coverage and punditry is similar to the early days of cloud computing. And just like back then, we’re seeing IT vendors and service providers scramble to establish their creds and gain market traction.

Beyond the feeling of déjà vu, this begs the question of whether the transition from enthusiastic early interest to mainstream adoption will be quicker this time around. After all, it was a decade or more before cloud became considered as an accepted norm, and even then it took a pandemic to nudge things over the line.

Against this background, Freeform Dynamics gathered input from members of the CIO WaterCooler community to look at where we are at the moment with AI, including the perception of IT leaders based on early experiences and their thoughts on lessons so far. As we shall see, it’s still very much early days for most organisations, and while the potential of AI is acknowledged, most have yet to work out how to unlock the full value safely.

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