How dynamic should your data centre be?
Data centres are considered to be in good shape and not in need of radical overhaul
While there are undeniably many challenges associated with running a large x86 server
environment or data centre, this does not translate into the need for a wholesale overhaul of
existing assets or a completely new approach for the sake of it. Many of the issues may be helped
by adopting new technologies such as virtualisation, but these need to be considered in terms of
how they can incrementally improve or build upon what is already in place.
Outright ownership of servers shows little sign of changing
Despite the economic issues of the last few years, approaches to server procurement still favour
outright purchasing. Few companies put much emphasis on alternative options such as financing or
leasing, let alone hosting or cloud. Opinions are slowly starting to change, as the future outlook is
slightly less hostile to using externally procured services to support the physical infrastructure.
Virtualisation is being widely adopted but is limited mainly to consolidation activity
Virtualisation has become a central tenet of data centre strategy, but a lack of experience, skills and
tools, as well as the pressing need to reduce costs, have limited its role to enabling server
consolidation. Consolidation is a natural progression for server managers, which fits in with and
complements existing server provisioning and management practices. This comes at the cost of
some additional complexity in getting to grips with the abstraction that virtualisation provides.
Dynamic Infrastructure needs IT and the business to tie together for full effect
The vision of a fully dynamic infrastructure is appealing, but the journey is not without challenges
and risks. IT may gain some advantages from adopting elements of continuously optimised
infrastructure, but the level of investment required in terms of platforms and tools may put such an
investment out of reach when based on the returns for IT alone. For the benefits to be fully realised,
the business needs to be in the driving seat, so that the investment return can be realised and
amplified across the business.
Power and efficiency savings are more of a focus than ‘Green IT’
‘Green’ has been one of the most hyped and controversial topics of the last decade, with a lot of
focus in both column inches and legislation. Despite this, the majority of companies have no real
focus on the environment and sustainability, and only one in eight allow ‘Green’ principles to guide
IT investment and behaviour. Even though there may not be an explicit commitment to ‘Green IT’,
focusing on power efficiency and reduction makes good operational and business sense.
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Content Contributor: Andrew Buss
Through our research and insights, we help bridge the gap between technology buyers and sellers.
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