The Business Service Management Imperative

by Jon Collins

What is Business Service Management, anyway?

Business Service Management (BSM) has been around for a while. We have previously used the following definition for BSM [1]:

“BSM is a strategy and approach for linking IT components to the goals of the business. It promotes understanding and prediction of how technology impacts the business and how business impacts the IT infrastructure.”

But is BSM just some made-up term invented by the analysts, or if not, what exactly does it mean? Is it a synonym for a bunch of products, or does it refer to something coming from the end-user organisations? Is it a carrot, something to work towards; or, like the SLA’s of old, is it more of a stick? If it has value – how should such value be attained, and what are the challenges to be faced in attempting to do so? These are some of the questions we will answer in this Inside Track………

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