Category Archives: 3. Hybrid Systems Delivery

Juggling Performance, Availability and Security

By Tony Lock A recent report from Freeform Dynamics illustrates that many corporate networks are[...]

Controlling Application Access

Application performance, availability and security challenges are quietly creeping up in the context of internal[...]

Predictions for 2014

My views on market developments in 2014 are not sensational, I’m afraid. I offer them[...]

Entropy and Data Quality

By Tony Lock IT systems are subject to many of the same laws that govern[...]

Data Stored Factor: do you know how many times is a given piece of data stored?

By Charles Brett Are enterprises asking the right questions about data and its storage? This[...]

Building a future proof service portfolio

By Dale Vile We constantly hear that cloud is the future and that distributors, resellers,[...]

Customer Data Quality in Context

Are you a business manager/executive? Read on to find out why sometimes you may have[...]

Managing Customer Data Quality

IT Leaders and Architects, when was the last time you could look at one of[...]

Software Defined Networking (SDN) continues to move forwards

By Charles Brett and Tony Lock During an Analyst Briefing at the IBM Development Laboratory[...]

How much is a mobile data gigabyte?

By Charles Brett A gigabyte is 1,073,741,824 bytes. Computer science tells us this is so.[...]

Could what happened to flight engineers apply to data storage and its management?

By Charles Brett Flight engineers in cockpits began to disappear in the 1980s as aircraft[...]

The Business Value of Data Protection

By Tony Lock The data held in every business is valuable and in the current[...]

The DC you have to the DC you need

Your data centres are stuck in a rut. While 90 per cent have had an[...]

Device Proliferation and Data Fragmentation

By Tony Lock Bring your own device (BYOD) continues to attract considerable attention, but the[...]

The SaaS opportunity for SMBs

By Dale Vile Software as a Service (SaaS) is potentially a great fit for small[...]

Clouds and the Data Centre weather forecast

By Tony Lock Enterprise Data Centres are complex collections of systems acquired over long spans[...]

Unravelling the SMB SaaS opportunity for resellers

By Dale Vile SMBs and cloud computing are a match made in heaven. That’s the[...]

The Data Fragmentation Challenge

By Tony Lock Every IT professional is acutely conscious of the rapid rate at which[...]

Data fragmentation challenges for CIOs

By Tony Lock A recent survey by Freeform Dynamics confirmed that access to accurate information[...]

SMBs are tumbling into the cloud? Oh get real

By Dale Vile This article was originally published for the channel. SMBs are now turning[...]

The End User Security Jigsaw

Organisations of all sizes are trying to understand the security implications of mobile working, device[...]

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