Author Archives: Tony Lock

Integrating Security Into the DNA of Your Software Lifecycle

“Masters” move beyond pure risk management to focus on business growth

Information management is going mainstream – at last!

Analyst opinion Some assumptions have been held by IT pros for so long that they[...]

Is Hybrid Computing Taking Place?

Research reveals the reality of hybrid computing

The Impact of Automation on IT Operations Infographic

Are you ready for the software-defined datacentre?

Datacentre Power and Cooling – Essential but frequently underperforming

Research reveals the secrets of essential DC Infrastructure There are very few organisations now where[...]

Datacentre realities in the digital age

How well are you keeping up with escalating business demands? A recent survey of 320[...]

Datacentre facilities in the spotlight

How strong are the foundations supporting your IT infrastructure? Facilities infrastructure, which includes power management,[...]

Power and the 24×7 imperative

What’s required to ensure business continuity in the datacentre? Modern businesses depend on IT. As[...]

IT service delivery models

Will the cloud make your datacentre redundant? With many organisations under pressure and IT teams[...]

Datacentre power management

Does your approach need a rethink? Effective and efficient management of power within the datacentre[...]

Datacentre Strategy and Evolution

Despite the advent to cloud computing the datacentre remains central to corporate IT. But with[...]

The Data Centre and Cloud – What’s Going On?

A look at recent developments in the delivery of IT Services For much of the[...]

IT pros speak about frustration with AFA vendors

As part of a recent survey we asked a panel of IT professionals to give[...]

The Green Data Centre – Myth or Reality

Every few years, core IT infrastructure issues surge into visibility on the corporate radar. Often,[...]

Protecting data in your hyper-converged environment

In a nutshell Hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) has been gaining popularity as a way of simplifying[...]

Managed Services in the Data Centre

From stability to agility Data centres have been around a long time during which various[...]

Everyone’s talking about Dedupe

In a nutshell Storage is a very hot topic in every data centre and computer[...]

Capacity planning in an age of agile and on-demand IT

Capabilities are still far from ideal

2016 – The year of the ‘Butterfly Wings’ effect?

Changing data centres step by step or wing flap by wing flap

How a bank optimizes the use of customer information

Mobile, social and other digital channels are now an integral part of customer engagement. As[...]

Why are backup and recovery measures often not as robust as they should be?

Data protection is essential for every business and its importance cannot be underestimated for disaster[...]

The telecom transformation journey

The services offered by telecom companies provide some of the best examples of digital customer[...]

Integrating the car into our digital life

Self-driving cars provide one of the best examples of how digital technology is set to[...]

Driving disruptive innovation in a demanding B2B environment

While many are talking about concepts such as disruption and innovation as if they were[...]