Don’t get caught in the crossfire between evangelists It is in the nature of technology evangelists that they are dedicated to their loves and intolerant of rivals. Whether it is…
All-Flash is becoming ‘the new normal’ in enterprise storage, but is right consider it as just another tier of disk? A survey of 305 IT professionals suggests not. All-Flash can…
Many are exploiting cloud computing to drive business advantage, while others are enjoying the flexibility and efficiency of DevOps. But what happens if you use both together in a coordinated…
In a nutshell Software-defined storage, or SDS, has the potential to significantly change how you deploy, manage and provision storage. Indeed, some even refer to an SDS infrastructure as a…
In a nutshell The term “software-defined storage” (SDS) is all over the press, yet sometimes it seems there are as many definitions of it as there are companies promoting it.…
The business context for Windows 10 in financial services There is a digital divide at the heart of many, or perhaps most, financial services organisations. The old saying ‘The cobbler’s…
Ed: AI is figuring more and more prominently in our industry coverage at Freeform Dynamics. During a recent team meeting, Bryan Betts referred to some of the insights he learned…
When we surveyed over 300 IT and business professionals back in 2011 on their attitudes to cloud computing, a key trend we identified was that while public cloud definitely had…
There is no doubting that scale-out storage is now thoroughly achievable. Indeed, scale-out is pretty much the norm for object storage, plus it is now the primary option when it…
Open-source software has become an important presence in many areas of IT, and now, as storage increasingly becomes software-defined storage, it is storage’s turn. The darling of the open-source storage…
As we all know, the world of backup is changing, and not just in obvious ways such as the move to disk and cloud-based backup, the adoption of deduplication, the…
To paraphrase an old joke, ask three IT “experts” for a definition of hyper-convergence and you’ll get four different answers – depending on which areas they work in and what…
There’s been a lot of FUD spread around in recent years on the subject of the public cloud. But as often happens in technology, convenience trumps security as far as…