This is hilarious or sad, whichever way you look at it. Eyeing the Twitter feed last night, I saw someone had tweeted a question about whether carriers were going to be moving to VaaS – ‘Voice as a Service’. When I asked if this was a joke, the reply was that a couple of telcos in the US were already starting to use this language – so apparently not – which begs the question of what the hell they think they have been delivering to the world for the last few decades.
Seriously, I can only imagine that some bright spark creative marketeers came up with the idea of repositioning hosted PBX and VoIP offerings using trendy new cloud speak. This reminds of an IBMer trying to convince me a few months ago that some of the traditional Citrix installations they had done for customers were proof of ‘Desktop as a Service’ in action, and Steve Ballmer repositioning Microsoft’s desktop and mobile business lines as now being about intelligent devices to access the cloud, because the cloud, apparently, is now the centre of everything.
Is it just me that thinks this is all totally unhelpful nonsense?