Eleven months ago, to the day, Freeform Dynamics and Wiley put the wheels in motion for a green IT for Dummies mini book. Somewhere along the line, Hewlett Packard offered to sponsor it and we're delighted to say that it's now officially available as an online download.
Or, to quote from HP's forthcoming announcement, "Copies of the book were already handed to out to people at the European Sustainable Energy Week and due to the positive success and feedback HP is making a limited number of pocket books available online to download."
Physical copies of the book will continue to be given out at appropriate conferences and exhibitions and, indeed, Freeform Dynamics has its own small stock. But, given that this is a book on environmental sustainability, the idea of downloading it and reading it online has a certain resonance.
The pocket book's very readable, 'Dummies-style', 28 pages look at how IT can reduce its own environmental impact and that of the organisations it serves. Apart from the main story, it also contains case studies, checklists and helpful links.
The chapter headings are: Gearing Up to Go Green; Cleaning Up IT; Greening Your Organisation; Changing Staff Attitudes and Taking Action; and, Ten Greenspirational Links.
If you're wondering whether it's for you, perhaps these assumptions about the readers will help:
You hold a senior position in an organisation (whether large, medium or small) and are wondering how to maintain or even improve performance while following a more sustainable environmental agenda.
You hold a senior position in the IT department and are wondering how to reduce your energy consumption, your general environmental impact and help the organisation meet its environmental goals.
You’re a concerned employee who feels that your organisation could do more for the environment.
The book was written by three analysts (me, Martin Atherton and Tony Lock) from Freeform Dynamics to ensure a comprehensive and pragmatic coverage of the subject. HP was very supportive but the book was independently written.
We hope, if your own profile matches one of those above, that you will find this guide a useful starting point for your own journey towards environmental sustainability.