As many marketeers switch their attention from the word ’cloud’ to the term ’big data’, you can almost hear the groans as another bandwagon starts to roll.
It’s now getting to the point where, yet again, we are being bombarded with terms and messages that are ambiguous at best, meaningless at worst. So in true Freeform Dynamics and Reg style, we want to cut through the woolly marketing speak and get to the specifics.
The reality is that a bunch of technologies and approaches that grew up as specialist storage, access and analytical solutions are now entering the mainstream under the ’big data’ umbrella. So should you ditch those Oracle credentials and get yourself up to speed on Hadoop and the like?
We think that might be a bit premature, but to help us understand how emerging solutions are likely to sit alongside more familiar technologies, we need your feedback via our latest Reg reader study.
You don’t need to be a big data or analytics expert to take part, in fact part of the objective is to figure out how much knowledge and experience of specific technologies exists among readers.
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