Research Library
Everyone’s talking about Dedupe
August 5, 2016

In a nutshell

Storage is a very hot topic in every data centre and computer room. Data volumes keep rising and users demand ever better performance and availability, all without pushing storage costs any higher. Over the past few years a new form of storage has enjoyed great success shaking up what was previously a very stable ecosystem. Flash storage and SSDs offer great performance compared to traditional spinning disks, but until recently they also came with a very high cost. In fact the costs were high enough that the use of flash storage could often only be justified for workloads that demanded the very best performance and lowest latency. In order to expand the potential range of use cases, vendors began to offer flash storage solutions that employed special functionality to limit the total data that had to be stored. ‘Data deduplication’, usually truncated to dedupe, and ‘data compression’ are now positioned as simple ways to limit storage expenditure. In fact such functionality is now so widely marketed that data ‘compression’ and ‘dedupe’ have become standard fixtures on RFP’s for many storage solutions, not just the new flash based systems but also those using traditional spinning disks. This begs the question, is the use of data compression and deduplication technologies something that is a good fit for all enterprise storage use cases? More importantly, should you be applying these techniques to everything by default? This paper considers the advantages and challenges associated with data compression and deduplication solutions and discusses what to think about when looking at their use in the acquisition of new storage. 

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