Search Results for: open source

Standards and interoperability: Are you backing the right horse?

IT can sometimes seem like a long, drawn-out process of making things work with each[...]

Business bureaucracy vs dynamic IT

According to many pundits, here’s the plan for the next generation data centre: we can[...]

Cloud is more about choice than hosting

By Dale Vile There’s a trick we use at Freeform Dynamics when trying to figure[...]

Cyber Security Ownership and Responsibility

It’s easy to be caught out by a cyber attack or internal mistake that leads[...]

Today’s hybrid clouds look more closed than open

Analyst Opinion We’ve had convergence towards hybrid clouds and ‘universal’ applications, but now we are[...]

How a bank optimizes the use of customer information

Mobile, social and other digital channels are now an integral part of customer engagement. As[...]

The allure of the log-in-anywhere desktop

How can organisations simplify desktop management if we all still want our own devices?

Which is worse: noise, or the sound of silence?

Analyst Opinion: If you’re one of the many people who find offices too noisy

Kubernetes catches up with operational reality

Analyst Opinion With Kubernetes now established in many organisations as the container orchestration platform of the future,[...]

Is IT really broken?

A quick sanity check I have just been reading a blog post from a vendor[...]

Managing Web and Mobile Security Risk

Securing the applications and services that underpin your online and mobile presence is one thing,[...]

The power management skills gap

A recent survey by Freeform Dynamics of 320 senior data centre professionals reveals that datacentre[...]

Voice recognition in healthcare

By Dale Vile I first discovered dictation software back in 2001 when I ended up[...]

How representative is social media data for marketing analytics?

You don’t have to move in specialist digital marketing circles to have come across the[...]

How big is Big Data?

‘Big data’ is one of those ‘buzz’ terms that is difficult to avoid, at least[...]

What can Chromebooks offer the enterprise desktop market?

Analyst opinion If you’re an IT professional managing a large desktop estate or an end[...]

Patch Management: Should it even exist?

From the outside in, it’s easy to question the need for software patching. “Surely,” some[...]

Last call for a European public cloud?

Analyst opinion Europe’s self-described No.1 ‘hyper-scale cloud provider’, OVH, held its 6th annual customer conference[...]

Causes of software development woes

Respondents point the finger at ambiguous requirements

Counting the cost of virtualization

The benefits of virtualisation, particularly in relation to x86 server consolidation, are pretty well recognised.[...]

Getting under the shell of virtualization

What’s an operating system anyway? The questions we posed this week were quite disconnected, but[...]

Making sense of the new business of IT

You may be heartily sick of hearing that ‘change is the only constant’, ‘everything’s getting[...]

PC Refresh Equals PC Disposal

We asked what drives you to refresh or replace your PC and laptop estates and[...]