Search Results for: sap

Defining your SAP modernization journey

Quick wins on the road to S/4HANA

HCI solutions & SAP HANA

Modern systems for modern software

Moving to HANA

Key migration considerations for SAP HANA and S/4HANA

Modernize your SAP landscape

The 'no compromise' HCI option

S/4HANA Revisited

Has the time now come for SAP’s next-generation application environment to go mainstream?

Software-Accelerated S/4HANA Migration

Striking the right balance and maximizing ROI

Having trouble overcoming the S/4HANA confidence gap?

As John Lennon and Yoko Ono didn't quite sing

Evolution of the OpenText portfolio

A few days into my first software sales role back in the 90’s, I was[...]

Organising to choose Enterprise Mobility Management

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is only one part of the broader Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)[...]

A straightforward look at SAP master data automation

If you’re knee-deep in the world of SAP and data management, you almost certainly know[...]

S/4HANA Migration: Is Selective Transformation the Answer?

The last big market survey carried out by Freeform Dynamics on SAP migration was completed[...]

Customer and employee experience

Time to join the dots

How representative is social media data for marketing analytics?

You don’t have to move in specialist digital marketing circles to have come across the[...]

Industrial Digital Transformation

On the cutting edge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Cloud Foundry’s growth highlights open source success and the cracks in commercial licensing

Analyst opinion Open source has crested the hill of enterprise acceptance. There’s no longer the[...]

Data Virtualisation for DevOps

The DevOps movement is supported by a whole range of tools, and is particularly well[...]

S/4HANA without compromise

A modern ERP architecture needs a powerful and future-proof platform

A cloud for all seasons

Open source PaaS ready for prime time?

Automation of SAP Master Data Management

Solving the dirty data dilemma and laying the foundations for continuous change and optimisation

Xero highlights the role of the modern software ecosystem

Looking beyond the technology I recently caught up with Gary Turner, co-founder and managing of[...]

Mobility Management Coming of Age

By Charles Brett 2014’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona brought together the mobile telephony infrastructure[...]