Search Results for: open source

Decision criteria for open source and proprietary software

The selection of operating systems was once one of the major decisions IT managers had[...]

Forget the ‘free’ software, the real value of open-source is the collaboration

Analyst Opinion: It’s a cliché, but why are we still reinventing wheels?

Operating System Selection

Open Source and Proprietary – The Decision Criteria The selection of operating systems was once[...]

Kubernetes and the open-source maintainer question

While much of October's KubeCon-CloudNativeCon North America

A cloud for all seasons

Open source PaaS ready for prime time?

Cloud Foundry’s growth highlights open source success and the cracks in commercial licensing

Analyst opinion Open source has crested the hill of enterprise acceptance. There’s no longer the[...]

Getting into Software-Defined Storage

In a nutshell Software-defined storage, or SDS, has the potential to significantly change how you[...]

Big Data and Analytics

Results of a web survey illustrate the state of business information and analytics today. Just[...]

Open source is growing up – and here’s how

Analyst opinion If you’re among those who still think that open source is just for[...]

It’s Artificial Intelligence, but not as we know it

Ed: AI is figuring more and more prominently in our industry coverage at Freeform Dynamics.[...]

Hyper-Scale Data Management

The term ‘Software Defined Storage’ is used to describe a wide range of ideas and[...]

Enterprise Git in Perspective

In a nutshell If asked to name a distributed version control system (DVCS), most people[...]

Data Protection and RAID

Rapid data growth, a greater emphasis on operational risk and developments in storage hardware are[...]

Ceph as an Enabler of Growth and Scalability

A perennial problem with storage is how to deal with escalating requirements in a smooth,[...]

The joy of software licensing on the desktop

One of the joys of working as a manager of desktop and laptop systems is[...]

Will open source storage make the hyperscale dream real?

Open-source software has become an important presence in many areas of IT, and now, as[...]

The software licensing minefield

Software vendors make their money from licensing software for individual and corporate use. From the[...]

Email and collaboration options for MSPs

Cloud is a broad brush term that covers several different approaches to delivering IT services[...]

Data Protection and Management in a Box

In today’s fast-moving, information-intensive business environment, data management is more of a challenge than ever.[...]

Digital identity and opening up the smartwallet

When an 80 year-old relative asks you how she can use her phone to both[...]

Technology as a catalyst for cultural change

Time for a more inspirational approach?

Data Virtualisation for DevOps

The DevOps movement is supported by a whole range of tools, and is particularly well[...]

Lessons from the library: Behind the UK’s web archive

After all, the role of libraries in general has been increasingly threatened by the march[...]

Key Advances in Storage Technology

While your storage infrastructure may be meeting current needs, you will almost certainly be investing[...]