Exploiting the machine on your terms to drive business advantage

In many areas of business, and especially in IT and analytics, automation is the only way to both do more with less, and do it better and faster. That means offloading as much as possible to automated systems, which in turn means using AI and related technologies such as machine learning.

Our Content:

Mitigating AI Risks: 5 Essential Steps for Secure Adoption

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are finding their way into industries worldwide as[...]

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The Untapped Potential of Liquid Cooling in Modern Data Centres

Ever since IBM sold off its x86 business to Lenovo back in 2014, I’ve been[...]

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What does “Investment in Generative AI” actually mean?

I’ve found myself in a number of conversations recently where the discussion has turned to[...]

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Why laptops and other edge devices are being AI-enabled

Why do we need dedicated AI engines in laptops, and especially in the ultrathin laptops[...]

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Why Intel has joined the race for the AI-enabled laptop

A new AI battlefield is opening up, not among all the GPU ‘farms’ in data[...]

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Custom chatbots and model gardens: putting Private AI to work

Part 2: More to think about It’s essential to decide where to run your Private[...]

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Understanding the rise and role of Private AI

Part 1: AI hype vs fear and doubt The leakage of proprietary IP and other[...]

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A CX perspective on the Contact Centre

Automation, AI and the transition to a new era

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CIO perceptions of vendor AI marketing

With all the recent press coverage, it’s not surprising to see IT vendors clamouring to[...]

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Time to sound the alarm as AI hype catches fire

One of the most worrying things that’s coming out of recent research

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An AI crash is coming: don’t let it drag you down

All the signs are there that an AI crash is coming: overinflated claims and dodgy[...]

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But is that really Artificial Intelligence?

CIOs speak out on the validity of vendor AI claims

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Don’t let your smart software suffer from poor platform choices

Mismatched AI and analytics can be massively inefficient

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The Agile Intelligent Enterprise: Making the Business Case for SAP S/4HANA

Clever Planning for a Successful Migration

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The role of machine learning and automation in storage

Drivers, perceptions, readiness and practicalities

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Taking the drudgery out of analytics

Analyst Blog: In recent years the importance of analytics has grown dramatically

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AI in Industry: The Myths and Reality

Machine Learning as a key enabler of next-generation industry

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AI in industry: the hype, the reality, and the unavoidable opportunity

But IT should beware of overcoming AI-wash only to fall victim to ML-sprawl

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Digital Transformation Practicalities

Lessons from Leonardo

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Enterprise AI: fiction and reality

Analyst opinion If you are starting to suspect that the AI hype is overblown, and[...]

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Laying the foundations for Enterprise AI

An architectural approach to deep learning platforms

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Enabling Industry 4.0 Infographic

IIoT needs an intelligent edge

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Connecting the industrial edge

Look for the common patterns

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Industrial Digital Transformation

On the cutting edge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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Is HoloLens a serious business tool?

It's beginning to look that way

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All-Flash Arrays

All-Flash is becoming ‘the new normal’ in enterprise storage, but is right consider it as[...]

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Understanding Software-Defined Storage

In a nutshell The term “software-defined storage” (SDS) is all over the press, yet sometimes[...]

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The Enterprise Flash Imperative

From expensive luxury to essential enabler

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Five years later, the hybrid cloud is real

When we surveyed over 300 IT and business professionals back in 2011 on their attitudes[...]

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Getting all-flash storage investment approved

We are at an interesting time in the all-flash storage array market

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Rethinking long term data management

The emerging role of active archiving

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Unleashing the full potential of all-flash arrays

The network is part of the system too

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Enterprise Flash – The New Normal?

In a nutshell All-Flash Arrays (AFAs) have come a very long way in a short[...]

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Poor capacity planning is not our fault

Sysadmins explain why things are so crap

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Big questions for those looking for answers in big data

“Some complex systems, such as the weather, are oblivious to our predictions. The process of[...]

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All-flash storage uncertainty and doubt

In a nutshell All-flash arrays are arguably coming of age, but in an early market,[...]

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A peek behind the AI bandwagon

When an important topic or trend gives rise to a marketing and media bandwagon, any[...]

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Intelligent Systems in Action Infographic

The rise of the machines has already begun

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Data encryption must be a priority for the digital business

Organizations large and small are investing in digital transformation programs, cloud migration projects, and enterprise[...]

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With a combined market capitalization of $2.3 trillion, Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft hold[...]

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Everyone’s talking about Dedupe

In a nutshell Storage is a very hot topic in every data centre and computer[...]

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Taking Sales Performance to the Next Level

So you’ve invested in CRM, and maybe a set of sophisticated modelling and analytics tools[...]

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Intelligent Systems in Action

As technology becomes smarter, more opportunities arise to exploit AI, machine learning and other forms[...]

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Cyber Security Ownership and Responsibility

It’s easy to be caught out by a cyber attack or internal mistake that leads[...]

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Why are backup and recovery measures often not as robust as they should be?

Data protection is essential for every business and its importance cannot be underestimated for disaster[...]

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Building a Curated Digital Hub

In a nutshell In today’s online business environment, with data spread broadly and widely, making[...]

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Tackling End User Content Sprawl

In a nutshell The problem of content sprawl has been around since the early days[...]

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IBM’s Spectrum Suite of storage tools is going to be a hard sell

IBM’s announcement of a storage suite with per Tb pricing is a natural move following[...]

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Enterprise Storage Architectures

Enterprise scale up storage arrays have traditionally been expensive to acquire and complex to manage.[...]

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Key Advances in Storage Technology

While your storage infrastructure may be meeting current needs, you will almost certainly be investing[...]

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Modern Storage Options for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

If you work in a small or medium-sized business environment, storage is probably something you[...]

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Data Protection and Management in a Box

In today’s fast-moving, information-intensive business environment, data management is more of a challenge than ever.[...]

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Ceph as an Enabler of Growth and Scalability

A perennial problem with storage is how to deal with escalating requirements in a smooth,[...]

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User-Centric Mobile Security

Not so long ago, many were speculating that ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) would define[...]

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What hyper-converged storage really means for you

To paraphrase an old joke, ask three IT “experts” for a definition of hyper-convergence and[...]

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Evolution of the OpenText portfolio

A few days into my first software sales role back in the 90’s, I was[...]

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Storage Quality of Service Management

Organisations are increasingly turning to multi-tiered shared storage environments to deal with growing data volumes,[...]

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The Impact of VMware VVOLs on Storage

VMware Virtual Volumes (VVOLs) are due to be released in 2015 and have been designed[...]

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Data Virtualisation for DevOps

The DevOps movement is supported by a whole range of tools, and is particularly well[...]

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Are data centres heading towards a future of technology hardware monocultures?

You have probably heard the representatives of at least a few vendors say IT is moving[...]

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The Promise and Practicalities of Flash

With the flash storage market developing rapidly it’s important to understand the nature of the[...]

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Data Protection and RAID

Rapid data growth, a greater emphasis on operational risk and developments in storage hardware are[...]

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Hyper-Scale Data Management

The term ‘Software Defined Storage’ is used to describe a wide range of ideas and[...]

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Insurance through the Looking Glass

Creating a more customer centric business environment has historically been hard to achieve. In this[...]

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The IT vendor empathy gap

Industry analysts, CIOs and others involved in the IT decision making process are on the[...]

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Information Management and Access in the Public Sector

With the advent of digitisation, all public sector environments generate and capture a significant amount[...]

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Building an open cloud: Say no to silos

It’s a hybrid world. But proprietary clouds are hard to integrate and less flexible. On[...]

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Get REAL about data location in the cloud

Where to put your data, how to decide in the real world Performance, compliance, privacy,[...]

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Data Stored Factor: do you know how many times is a given piece of data stored?

By Charles Brett Are enterprises asking the right questions about data and its storage? This[...]

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The Business Value of Data Protection

By Tony Lock The data held in every business is valuable and in the current[...]

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The Data Protection Imperative

In this short paper, we spell out why the time has come to adopt a[...]

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Data Protection as a Business Enabler

While the importance of business information is almost universally recognised, few organisations have enjoyed either[...]

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Forget Big Data – No one is panning for gold

By Tony Lock CIOs have been subjected to the combined efforts of a significant proportion[...]

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’Big Data changes EVERYTHING’ vs ’Hadoop? For my 200-customer biz?’

By Dale Vile As an industry analyst, it sometimes feels like I am flitting between[...]

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Big Data, Analytics and the Future of Data Centres

Audience – IT & Business professionals Occasion – VMUG Meeting, Manchester February 12, 2013 Presenter(s)[...]

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Solutions for driving better B2B integration

By Dale Vile In a previous article we highlighted the fact that many organisations could[...]

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Freedom without Anarchy

Empowering employees through the delegation of authority and trust can enhance innovation and productivity. But[...]

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Next Generation Data Management and Analytics

By Dale Vile It’s easy to understand the increasing positive buzz around advances in information[...]

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Is Big Data killing the RDBMS?

Time for a reality check

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Analytics and Big Data

By Tony Lock ‘Big Data’ is a hot topic receiving considerable attention from the marketing[...]

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Why you need an interactive archive

Many organisations today only archive data when there is some external legislative driver forcing their[...]

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Lessons from B2B high performers

By Andrew Buss The way that companies connect with each other to do business can[...]

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Electronic trading dogged by information issues

By Dale Vile How many suppliers and customers do you trade with in the average[...]

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Big Data and Analytics

Results of a web survey illustrate the state of business information and analytics today. Just[...]

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Mining the gold seam of structured data

By Andrew Buss Much of the talk of the last year has been about Big[...]

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Lack of Understanding inhibits adoption of Big Data

By Tony Lock Read any IT publication, online or hard copy, and it is hard[...]

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Good news for Relational DBAs – Looks like there will still be demand for your services

Those advocating emerging technologies and ideas often talk as if IT is a zero sum[...]

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Datacentre in a box – Something for everyone?

CIOs have a tough job delivering an expanding range of services to ever more demanding[...]

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The Big Data Revolution

Big Data suffers misuse but at its heart is really about getting more value from[...]

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Effective B2B Integration

The way in which organisations communicate and transact across supply and demand chains has a[...]

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What should CIOs be demanding of Storage Vendors?

In most organisations the acquisition of storage and its associated management tools was, until recently,[...]

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Agility without anxiety

Dale Vile met up with Perforce’s Mark Warren to discuss how to do agile development[...]

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Balancing storage efficiency and data security

We know from our many studies that most IT organisations are stretched operationally while having[...]

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Data fragmentation challenges restrict business flexibility

Business must be ready to respond to rapidly changing market conditions. For any organisation to[...]

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BPM from back office to front office and beyond

Are you tough enough to take on BPM and win? Someone has to. It has[...]

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Beware of what you ask – you might just get the answer

One of the perils inherent in Big Data projects About 20 years ago, we were[...]

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Fast Forward to Big Data

Does ’cloud’ have a roll in providing customers with access to new data sources to[...]

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Meeting the information needs of disparate stakeholder communities

Insights and lessons from the public sector When it comes to information management, many of[...]

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Managing Big Data

By Andrew Buss Way back in the mists of time, when computers were first developed[...]

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Is Big Data just Big Hype?

If the deluge of headlines and vendor marketing materials is anything to go by, ‘big[...]

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Keeping Score in the Public Sector

With a mandate to make public records broadly available online, yet at the same time[...]

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Big data storage technologies – “Rip and replace” or “Complementary”?

All too frequently the IT industry gets caught up in a whirlwind of marketing stories[...]

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Information management: technology investment pays off

Obtaining budget for new technology investments can be a difficult exercise at the best of[...]

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Storage Through the Looking Glass

Talk of storage technology makes business people yawn, but the state of the storage infrastructure[...]

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The Business of Electronic Data Storage

By Dale Vile, Tony Lock and Martha Bennett Introduction Storage and retrieval of electronic data[...]

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CA ERwin – Getting reacquainted with an old friend

Back in the deep dark past, when I designed and optimised relational databases for a[...]

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Winners and losers in the information race

The mainstream media generally portrays the financial services industry as being in a total mess,[...]

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Big Data in Context

By Freeform Dynamics We wanted to gain practical insights into the context for some of[...]

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Information management in financial services

With decision making among banks under so much scrutiny, the important question arises of how[...]

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Oracle fleshes out its ’big data’ portfolio

I couldn’t say this for certain, but I get the impression that the marketing noise[...]

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Enterprise social media revisited

Over the last three or four years, many have been advocating the use of social[...]

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Unlock the business value of your information

Stakeholders are increasingly looking to get information ’on demand’ to regulatory bodies; seeking more complex[...]

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How big is Big Data?

‘Big data’ is one of those ‘buzz’ terms that is difficult to avoid, at least[...]

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Bridging the information gap

The pace at which modern business tends to move has resulted in a situation where[...]

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Building tech for the flexible worker

Remote workers need support and training. The IT department needs to secure their devices and[...]

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Big data in Context

Audience – IT & Business professionals Occasion – TheRegister:IntelAcademy, 22nd November 2011 Presenter(s) – Martha[...]

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Moving Information Management Forwards

By Tony Lock & Dale Vile Locating and accessing information required to run the business[...]

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Data retention, FOI and the storage budget

The data retention policy in too many organisations has historically boiled down to ‘keep everything[...]

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The storage boom and bust cycle

More data more often than not means more disks. It was ever thus – but[...]

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The Business Information Illusion

By Dale Vile KEY POINTS The pace of business today dictates devolved management and decision-making[...]

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Big data and the cloud

One of the big advantages of cloud computing is scalability in terms of both server[...]

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Smarter Networking for a smarter data centre

How do data centre networks need to evolve as business systems become ever more complex?[...]

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End User Productivity Revisited

Despite the plethora of ‘productivity solutions’ available from IT suppliers, why is it that real[...]

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Information is a right, not a privilege

By Dale Vile Organisations today rely on effective management of business performance at all levels.[...]

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Cloud and Storage

By Tony Lock The topic of “Cloud” has not escaped the attention of anyone in[...]

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The other enterprise desktop

There are few topics in the IT industry that are more divisive than the option[...]

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The workload challenge

Today, IT Infrastructure is evolving at a tremendous pace. The Mainframe computer, now often referred[...]

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Visualisation into action

Do you have lots of data but find it difficult to work out what it[...]

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Lessons from the library: Behind the UK’s web archive

After all, the role of libraries in general has been increasingly threatened by the march[...]

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Intelligent cacheing for optimised storage

Virtualisation is an accepted part of server and data centre strategy. One of the biggest[...]

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Why does information management matter?

Getting the right information to the right people at the right time sounds like a[...]

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BI 2010 – the state of play

By Jon Collins Information continues to grow, and yet the challenges we face in managing[...]

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Putting ’I’ back in ’CIO’

Nice sound bite, but does the spirit make sense? On a few occasions recently I[...]

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Resurrecting old jargon. BI versus decision support?

No one disputes the fact that there’s a lot of data kicking around in most[...]

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Information versus the silos

The idea that ‘information is important and we want to do more useful things with[...]

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Understanding your information assets

Information is power, right? Well, just how powerful must most organisations feel today, given the[...]

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BI versus Decision Support

As an old timer in the industry, I remember the days when the term ‘decision[...]

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Protective Monitoring

by Jon Collins and Martin Atherton MAIN POINTS CESG (Communications and Electronic Security Group) Good[...]

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Search: What are you looking for?

By Martin Atherton In the very real world of business IT, the concepts, topics and[...]

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Application Retirement: What about the Data?

by Jon Collins and Martin Atherton Introducing application retirement: what’s really important to you? Whatever[...]

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High Performance for All

by Jon Collins, Tony Lock and Dale Vile Most medium and large organisations need to[...]

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Dynamic Business Intelligence

by Tony Lock and Dale Vile One of the most versatile assets many organisations have[...]

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Information Management in the Retail Sector

by Martin Atherton EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Retail is the market where real-time decision making is catalysed[...]

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Data Retention

by Jon Collins and Martin Atherton Earlier last year we conducted some research on the[...]

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Missing Metadata

by Tony Lock When it comes to information, most organisations’ efforts have focussed on processing[...]

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What governance can really mean to business

by Martin Atherton Governance is a term you’ll have heard bandied about a lot, usually[...]

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Data Governance in the Software Lifecycle

by Martin Atherton, Jon Collins and Dale Vile Many organisations have been driving improvements in[...]

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Data Governance in Software Testing

by Jon Collins In the research report Data Governance in the Software Lifecycle we consider[...]

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Information Governance

by Martin Atherton and Jon Collins Forward thinking organisations no longer just talk about governance,[...]

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Business Performance Management

by Dale Vile and Martin Atherton As markets become more complex and dynamic, is the[...]

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Centrally Managed Protection of Critical Business Content

By Jon Collins and David Perry The last few years have seen a revolution in[...]

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