Linux on the desktop: cheap trick or pragmatist’s dream?

Welcome to our third and final poll on desktop operating systems. First, we looked at Vista readiness for business use: you can check out a short write up of that one herehere. Then we moved onto one of the main contenders to desktop Windows, Mac OS X. In this week’s poll we turn our attention to desktop Linux: the challenge is to build a clear picture of where desktop Linux can fit, and if so how to make best use of it.

Regardless of where your open source desktop experience stems from – the wisdom of decades, hard-nosed business life or the wilful enthusiasm of youth – we’d love to hear your views on where things are at in your organisation regarding deployment of Linux on the desktop. There’s no such thing as a wrong answer in these things, but the more experience you have, the more we want to hear from you.

So, please do grab a coffee and take a few minutes out to complete our little poll. It has been designed to capture your words of wisdom, or indeed your frustrations: when we have sufficient responses we shall get back to you sharpish with as clear a picture as possible of what you told us, based on all three surveys.

Register’s Linux on the Desktop Survey

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