Category Archives: IT Strategy/Transformation

How Agile and DevOps enable digital readiness and transformation

In today’s world, software is everywhere – and it is spreading fast. Once it was[...]

Data Management for a Digital World

Turn GDPR compliance and ransomware defence to your advantage

Microsoft presents its quantum computing credentials

Thoughts from the Future Decoded event

The politics and practicalities of IT procurement

Is cloud becoming a strategic disrupter?

A cloud for all seasons

Open source PaaS ready for prime time?

The Impact of Automation on IT Operations Infographic

Are you ready for the software-defined datacentre?

CFO Technology Investment Guide Infographic

Why prioritise storage modernisation

The Enterprise Cloud Imperative

Have cloud investments to date laid a good enough foundation for the future, or is[...]

The Impact of Automation on IT Operations

Over three quarters of those surveyed in a recent multi-national study said the pressure on[...]

Storage modernisation

An evaluation and decision guide for IT teams

Investing in data storage

A guide for business executives

A Finance Perspective on Storage Investments

Getting past ‘No’ with your CFO

Don’t Let an Outdated Software Strategy Hold You Back

Yesterdays software delivery processes are not up to dealing with today’s demands, but modernising you[...]

Modern Storage for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

Advanced solutions deliver SMBs power and simplicity

Application Platforms Matter

Cloud services are increasingly becoming part of the IT delivery mix, but a recent study[...]

Datacentre Strategy and Evolution

Despite the advent to cloud computing the datacentre remains central to corporate IT. But with[...]

DevOps and Cloud Computing

Many are exploiting cloud computing to drive business advantage, while others are enjoying the flexibility[...]

The 2nd Generation All-Flash Opportunity Infographic

  Content Contributors: Dale Vile & Jack Vile

IT Ops doesn’t matter? Really?

Listen to some DevOps evangelists talk, and you would get the impression that IT operations[...]

Digital Workplace Transformation

The business context for Windows 10 in financial services There is a digital divide at[...]

The trouble with business executives…

When IT teams and their colleagues within the business get along, life is good for[...]

The Green Data Centre – Myth or Reality

Every few years, core IT infrastructure issues surge into visibility on the corporate radar. Often,[...]

The power management skills gap

A recent survey by Freeform Dynamics of 320 senior data centre professionals reveals that datacentre[...]

The Enterprise Flash Imperative

From expensive luxury to essential enabler