Category Archives: IT Strategy/Transformation

What does YOUR IT crystal ball say?

Here’s a question for you. Is change really afoot in the way your organisation ‘does’[...]

Change management in x86 server estates

Changes to the IT environment are the source of some of the biggest headaches for[...]

Is IT service delivery really changing?

The new world we’ve been hearing about for years is slowly drifting into focus. Globally[...]

Business Communications in Context

by Josie Sephton and Dale Vile The proliferation of communications channels has set expectations around[...]

Are CIOs ready to use cloud computing?

By Tony Lock Seldom in the history of IT have CIOs faced a marketing barrage[...]

What personality is your IT department?

Over the years I’ve spent quite a lot of time thinking about the idea of[...]

Dedication to regulation

By Martin Atherton Regulation is a fact of life and business. The signs are that[...]

Virtualisation and Security

As x86 / x64 server virtualisation moves into everyday operations, what impact does it have[...]

IT trends: Don’t get distracted by the spaniel

For better or for worse, we are the owners of a mad Welsh Springer spaniel[...]

Infrastructure Consolidation

By Tony Lock Research results obtained by Freeform Dynamics towards the end of 2009 show[...]

Can IT Financing and Management Models Survive IT Change?

By Tony Lock In a nutshell: The models used for businesses to create IT budgets[...]

How do you manage service levels in a virtualised environment?

In previous research projects we’ve examined the impact of service level monitoring and management, and[...]

Social wariness is wise for business

A colleague pulled me up with a start the other day when I was talking[...]

Mid-market management software

By Jon Collins, Tony Lock and Dale Vile IT management tools are finally, after many[...]

Does business social networking really need IT?

Are you wrestling with the idea of bringing social networking (choose your own preferred term)[...]

What is service management?

This 60-minute webcast features Martin Atherton and Tony Lock, who donning business and IT hats[...]

Evolution of Dynamic IT

by Dale Vile and Tony Lock Against the backdrop of an increasingly fast moving and[...]

Pricing the fluffy stuff

By Josie Sephton Cloud really is the new black, and it is hard to get[...]

Social computing – start small, think big

By David Tebbutt Don’t be afraid of social networking collaboration tools in the office. Your[...]

Give workers a say in corporate IT

There can be little doubt that the personal and domestic use of technology has had[...]

The Register Buzz Report

In association with The Register According to a research survey conducted with The Register readership[...]

Perception versus reality in IT

By Tony Lock In the world of information technology there is the impression that everything[...]

Making sense of energy

By David Tebbutt Have you started getting the energy bills for your department yet? What[...]

The strategic upside of power accountability

By Dale Vile Research conducted by Freeform Dynamics a year ago suggested that the majority[...]