Category Archives: IT Strategy/Transformation

The software licensing minefield

Software vendors make their money from licensing software for individual and corporate use. From the[...]

Evolution of Hosted Server Computing

by Dale Vile There has been much talk and activity in the industry recently around[...]

Cloud Confusion

By Tony Lock In this article we revisit some research conducted in 2008, covering perceptions[...]

Driving value from IT

Audience – IT decision makers Occasion – CA Mainframe Madness May 2010 Presenter(s) – Jon[...]

Focus on business challenges, not technology innovations

The IT industry really does bring out the best and worst traits of human nature.[...]

Ensuring availability in a changing world

Roughly speaking, availability management is what your business does to ensure IT services stay up[...]

The joy of software licensing on the desktop

One of the joys of working as a manager of desktop and laptop systems is[...]

Service management best practice. Is your future really in a book?

Whenever IT best practice for service management gets a mention, we tend to think of[...]

It’s the data that drives us. An alternative view of software rationalisation and retirement.

In business, the phrase ‘change is constant’ may be a tad overused but it is[...]

Using systems management tools in IT security

Every IT professional recognises the importance of securing the IT systems that are now at[...]

But is that really cloud? Check out this survey

Some have accused me of being a cloud computing sceptic, and it’s true that I[...]

But is that really cloud computing?

By Dale Vile The term ‘cloud computing’ is in routine use within the IT industry.[...]

IT governance: Making the case without cutting your throat

‘IT governance’ sounds like a grandiose idea, but what is it? In simplest terms, it’s[...]

What’s in store for availability management?

Roughly speaking, availability management is what your organisation does to ensure IT services stay up[...]

Search: What are you looking for?

By Martin Atherton In the very real world of business IT, the concepts, topics and[...]

Building high availability into IT

What does ‘high availability’ actually mean in the context of IT today? We’ve written elsewhere[...]

Mobile users and personal devices

Business today is a very different beast to that of just five years ago, and[...]

Managing the distributed workforce

While the principles of managing a distributed workforce may not have changed much, user expectations[...]

Organisational change and IT

It is great to theorise about all the good things IT can bring. Indeed, a[...]

The IT management dashboard

Our research in the IT management domain has helped us establish a few basic truths.[...]

The user view of IT delivery

It would be odd to hear from an IT pro who didn’t have ‘demanding users’,[...]

Architecting for IT service delivery

A few years back I was involved in a project that turned out far more[...]

Supporting the teleworkers: Redux

The issue of providing IT support to home-based users always attracts a lot of responses[...]

Should all hard drives be encrypted?

Given the origins of computing in the coding and decoding of messages, it’s fair to[...]