Category Archives: IT Strategy/Transformation

Managing IT and business risk in the times of eroding enterprise boundaries

Managing risk in business has always been more of an art form than a science.[...]

Systems monitoring: what’s possible, and what really happens

IT increasingly plays a pivotal role in business processes. The importance of systems to the[...]

Improving Systems Agility

By Dale Vile One of the most common complaints heard from business people about the[...]

Life after cloud computing

By Dale Vile Have you ever wondered what we will be left with once the[...]

Managing a virtual desktop environment

In a previous article in this series we highlighted growing interest in deploying virtual desktop[...]

Desktop virtualisation: why, how, and how much?

As anyone who has started down the path will confirm, desktop virtualisation is not a[...]

How can IT shake off the negativity? Get feedback from the business

Usually when we think of IT performance, we focus on the physical. We ask questions[...]

Collaboration, complexity and compliance

The trouble with some terms we use in IT is that they take on a[...]

The significance of’s ’Chatter’ to me is a bit like the boy who cried ‘Wolf!”. Every press release[...]

Thinking Beyond the Clouds

By Jon Collins and Dale Vile A number of trends are having an impact on[...]

Sugaring the pill

Apple, as a computer company, has been focused on the consumer market. It has paid[...]

Are your project timescales shrinking?

When did the two-year project lifecycle die? In my head, I put it at just[...]

Videoconferencing: coming to a company near you?

This article is hosted on an external website. Please click here to view it in[...]

The Business of Interoperability

By Dale Vile and Jon Collins ‘Interoperability’ is a widely used word in IT industry[...]

BI 2010 – the state of play

By Jon Collins Information continues to grow, and yet the challenges we face in managing[...]

Let’s hear it for service centricity

An elderly lady attended a public lecture given by an astrophysicist on how the Earth[...]

iPad: First impressions of a sceptic

Anyone who has followed my jottings over the years will know that I am an[...]

Bring your own PC

The rise of ‘consumer’ expectations in the workforce is driving some organisations to think up[...]

Unified communications in context?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could wipe the slate clean and install a brand[...]

Getting on top of change management

One of the first articles I ever had to write as an analyst was about[...]

Putting ’I’ back in ’CIO’

Nice sound bite, but does the spirit make sense? On a few occasions recently I[...]

Making sense of the new business of IT

You may be heartily sick of hearing that ‘change is the only constant’, ‘everything’s getting[...]

Videoconferencing: coming to a company near you?

It is probably fair to say that the likelihood of videoconferencing becoming mainstream in the[...]

Delivering on data governance – Making sure IT’s glass is half full

Data governance can be dismissed as ‘applied common sense’, or balked at as an impossible[...]