Category Archives: Workforce/Workplace Computing
You think mobile voice is expensive? Try data roaming
The issue of mobile pricing can be something of a sore point in the business[...]
Are you getting Double Vision? What hybrid GPU architectures bring to the table
PCs and diversity go hand in hand, whether it’s how we choose for them to[...]
Mobile virtualisation
By Josie Sephton Given the push towards platform virtualisation as a way of optimising hardware[...]
Videoconferencing: coming to a company near you?
It is probably fair to say that the likelihood of videoconferencing becoming mainstream in the[...]
Getting your business mobile
Everyone knows that mobility is pretty important to most businesses today, with needs having moved[...]
IT Support and workforce productivity
Audience – IT practitioners and decision makers Occasion – Webinar hosted by Citrix, 27 May[...]
Living with Unified Comms
Implementing a unified communications solution is just the starting point. It starts to get really[...]
The joy of software licensing on the desktop
One of the joys of working as a manager of desktop and laptop systems is[...]
Working remotely: What are the solutions?
It’s funny how far mobile computing has come in the last ten years. It enables[...]
The desktop provisioning palaver
Setting and maintaining desktop policy and provisioning equipment and software sounds like something that should[...]
Mobile users and personal devices
Business today is a very different beast to that of just five years ago, and[...]
Managing the distributed workforce
While the principles of managing a distributed workforce may not have changed much, user expectations[...]
Will UC stop you being exposed?
Delving around the Web recently, I happened upon a very neat analogy in a couple[...]
When should firms adopt UC and how should they roll it out?
Since its beginnings, unified communications (UC) has faced an uncertain response in the enterprise, with[...]
Unified comms: You must go the whole hog to reap the benefits
As businesses strive to deal with numerous challenges, from complying with the prevailing regulatory environment[...]
Supporting the teleworkers: Redux
The issue of providing IT support to home-based users always attracts a lot of responses[...]
Managing UC – you need to be in control
Love it or hate it (and from the feedback we have seen from Reg readers,[...]
Should all hard drives be encrypted?
Given the origins of computing in the coding and decoding of messages, it’s fair to[...]
Consumerisation and client computing
The Apple Mac is an appropriate candidate for the ‘I want one of those because[...]
The desktop demands of board-level managers
Register readers tell us that supporting employees and their IT equipment is a daily challenge,[...]
The UC survival guide. Keep it ‘in-your-face’ easy
Critical to any new implementation is support. But if the implementation is designed to fit[...]
Think you can’t teach an old business UC tricks?
Unified Communications (UC) fixes fragmented workplace communications, right? But if businesses implement UC and carry[...]
The great desktop refresh debate
This webcast covers a raft of subjects, including when to upgrade, the standard cycle times,[...]
Business Communications in Context
by Josie Sephton and Dale Vile The proliferation of communications channels has set expectations around[...]