Category Archives: Infrastructure & Platforms

Private Cloud and Data Centre Evolution

Will every data centre become a cloud? As nearly everyone working in IT understands, things[...]

Translating private cloud into customer requirements

Identifying the ingredients that make the difference for agile IT The term ‘Private Cloud’ is[...]

Engineering IT for agility – Getting the foundations right

One of the certainties when it comes to running IT is that change is constant.[...]

Balancing storage efficiency and data security

We know from our many studies that most IT organisations are stretched operationally while having[...]

Data fragmentation challenges restrict business flexibility

Business must be ready to respond to rapidly changing market conditions. For any organisation to[...]

Siloed approach to IT security increases business risk

It is said that the technology at the heart of IT changes at a bewildering[...]

Private Cloud and IT Service Delivery

The impacts on budgets, reporting and IT delivery models. When economic times are hard there[...]

Getting private cloud to play nicely

By Dale Vile We were surprised at the strength of positive sentiment and relative lack[...]

Playing the SLA long game

By Dale Vile When IT is your day job it’s easy to lose sight of[...]

From virtualisation to private cloud

Lots of people are talking about private cloud as the next natural step from virtualisation.[...]

Private Cloud Forecast – Sunny or Stormy times ahead for CIOs?

Businesses are still operating under enormous economic pressure and, as would be expected, this continues[...]

Analyst Headlines: Accelerating Cloud Adoption

Andrew Buss explains how enterprise drivers and aspirations will shape cloud adoption and the opportunity[...]

Behind the Headlines: Accelerating Cloud Adoption

Andrew Buss explains how enterprise drivers and aspirations will shape cloud adoption and the opportunity[...]

Analyst Headlines: Securing the Data Center

Andrew Buss share’s his views on the significance of a simplified Data Center architecture. This[...]

Behind the Headlines: Securing the Data Center

Andrew Buss share’s his views on the significance of a simplified Data Center architecture. This[...]

Analyst Headlines: Securing the Wide Area

Andrew Buss discusses how security needs to become embedded and automated within the network and[...]

Behind the Headlines: Securing the Wide Area

Andrew Buss discusses how security needs to become embedded and automated within the network and[...]

Unilever adopts new technology to drive agile infrastructure delivery

Andrew Buss speaks with Garry Meaburn, the operations effectiveness and tooling manager at Unilever and[...]

Private Cloud and IT Service Delivery

By Martha Bennett, Tony Lock & Dale Vile Key Points IT funding is under stress,[...]

The Links between Public and Private Cloud

By Martha Bennett and Tony Lock Key Points ‘Cloud’ concepts are widely understood, but practical[...]

The infrastructure and management implications of Desktop Virtualisation

Desktops are now visibly mission critical Desktop Virtualisation is a topic that has enjoyed considerable[...]

Desktop Virtualization

Desktop virtualization has progressed from a niche way of handling exceptional user requirements to a[...]

Private Cloud in Context

To make sense of private cloud, you need unravel it from the broader cloud computing[...]

Energy Aware Planning and Decision Making

Energy availability and management is increasingly becoming an important agenda item for IT leaders, but[...]