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Unravelling the cloud confusion

In the last article we looked at whether virtualization provided a springboard to that loosely[...]

Application management – how many apps do you have?

A curious fact of IT management is that, quite often, those looking after the administration[...]

There’s no escaping the cloud – You can run, but you can’t hide

So you think the cloud is not for you? If that’s the case, you are[...]

Virtualization and the cloud – Just a stepping stone?

A reasonably fundamental principle of virtualization is that it creates a layer of abstraction between[...]

Desktop virtualization stirs interest

We have taken a look at how desktop virtualization solutions are being used and their[...]

Getting down and dirty with desktop virtualization

There is growing interest in desktop virtualization, despite many IT professionals having limited detailed knowledge[...]

What’s the point of desktop virtualization?

Over the past few weeks we have considered many facets of virtualization and now we[...]

IT essential for businesses’ green success

Life is tough for IT management. Not only does it have to juggle the conflicting[...]

Getting under the shell of virtualization

What’s an operating system anyway? The questions we posed this week were quite disconnected, but[...]

IT’s role in enterprise power management

Audience – I.T. and business professionals Occasion – BrightTALK’s IT Power Management summit on August[...]

When is an operating system not an operating system?

It used to be the case that the role of the operating system (OS) was[...]

Counting the cost of virtualization

The benefits of virtualisation, particularly in relation to x86 server consolidation, are pretty well recognised.[...]

Does *free* virtualization = certain chaos?

When we broached the subject of ’stuff that can go wrong with virtualization’. One of[...]

Virtualization security – oxymoron or perfect partnership?

So far in this series we’ve looked at where virtualisation is at, and where it’s[...]

Will cloud put traditional hosters out of business? Elasticity isn’t everything

It sometimes seems as if the whole world has gone cloud crazy – well at[...]

Server virtualization – what could possibly go wrong?

Indisputably, server virtualization has a lot going for it. The challenge does not lie in[...]

Application QoS – where’s the measuring tape?

IT has undergone a major development in the last few years, namely the acknowledgment that[...]

Virtualization rocks – but who cares beyond consolidation?

The feedback on virtualization experiences from those participating so far in our latest online workshop[...]

Virtualization payback, now and in the future

Most people arguably get the point of virtualisation in terms of server consolidation, and the[...]

Juicing up your web pages can be sweet

Richard Wallis is an inventive cove. He works for software company Talis which is, itself,[...]

’Bottom up’ money- and planet-saving measures

Much has been written about pollution of the land, sea and air and the problems[...]

How to make sure your e-commerce strategy delivers

Introducing “e” into industry parlance has caused all manner of problems, not least for electronic[...]

A most important string to ICT’s bow

In crude terms, the computer industry sees itself as the saviour of the planet and[...]

App dev security – where are the risks?

Thanks for some great comments from the article about making applications more secure. One of[...]