Category Archives: x[ Archived Content ]x

Twitter: don’t be put off by the name

Do you connect to the internet? If you don’t then you might not want to[...]

HP’s new labs address information issues

Last night (UK time) Hewlett Packard announced its new Labs structure. By focusing on five[...]

Virtualisation at all Scales, but where’s the management engine?

Over the course of the last few weeks anybody taking even a quick scan of[...]

Green IT: We’re getting there. Slowly.

One of the great things about working for Freeform Dynamics is that we get to[...]

Malice, stupidity and storage in the real world

Von Neumann was mostly right. His oft-quoted architecture has formed the basis of not only[...]

10 things I like about the OQO Ultra Mobile PC (and a few I don’t)

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Virtualisation – The Answer to World Poverty and Global Warming?

This week has witnessed more development in the virtualisation field than could comfortably be covered[...]

Vendor Relationship Management UK-style

One of the most challenging, charming, intelligent and irritating people I’ve ever met is one[...]

How to become green heroes

What gives you pleasure? Holding a newspaper or getting the news? Buying or renting a[...]

Exploit the gaps, not the silos

Toby Moores is a visiting professor at the Institute of Creative Technology and founder of[...]

UC, you see

Avaya, BT and Cisco teamed up to explain the benefits of the IBM Unified Communications[...]

Can power over Ethernet make networks greener?

It is always dangerous to speculate, particularly in this industry, which sometimes seems to be[...]

Management Maturity – Change, Threat, Opportunity?

I have spent a lot of time over the last few months thinking about the[...]

Corporate concepts and slogans

On Citrix’s ’Transform your datacentre into a delivery centre’: Last week Citrix held a series[...]

Net Neutrality and a Green Paper

Information World Review covered Network Neutrality a fair bit in 2006. It was a time[...]

ISPs and householders in the front line

Oh dear, oh dear. Seems like our government is continuing its sleepwalk towards another disaster.[...]

Quick take: P2P document sharing between platforms

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Are your IT staff adequately trained?

An interesting finding emerged from one of our recent studies into IT Service Management (ITSM).[...]

The customer view of BEA’s acquisition by Oracle

When the BEA Oracle deal was finally announced last week, my first instinct, like many[...]

Road testing the Palm Treo 500v

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Bringing wireless networks into the management fold

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Goodbye dual boot, hello virtualisation

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Why 2008 for enterprise identity management?

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Content Management and Business Intelligence

Audience – Practitioners and managers Occasion – Storage Expo Presenter(s) – Jon Collins Using content[...]