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Securing SOA

Given that I’m currently at IBM’s SOA Impact conference in Las Vegas, I though it[...]

Kim and the art of Identity Management

At the end of last week, I found myself in the most pleasant position of[...]

Clouds are blowing your way

I spent a goodly chunk of last week in California and kept bumping into people[...]

Security solutions seeking problems

The last few days have involved me in a number of meetings with both vendors[...]

Lovelock and Lawson: read ’em both

Well, Earth Day was not the smartest day to jump on a plane to California[...]

Why is IT Still Not Communicating Well With Business?

For many years now there has been intense discussion within the IT “industry” highlighting the[...]

There’s more to life (death?) than carbon

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Oracle and Collaboration

I was interested to read about Angela’s experience trying to secure a briefing from Oracle[...]

Don’t put lipstick on the pig

Today’s issue of PR influences covers ’greenwashing’ – “the act of misleading consumers regarding the[...]

Two-way web pushes door to information wide open

The Open Library project came up for discussion on the newly refurbed Talis Library Gang[...]

IBM’s Bluehouse: a human hub?

Even after 42 years in IT, I still tend to forget that projects are always[...]

Virtualisation Management – Vendors See The Light?

At the end of last year we carried out a survey on all aspects of[...]

Making chipsets interesting

At the risk of offending all those who love to talk for hours about cores,[...]

You calling me a consultant?

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Social media or distorted dialogue?

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Going Green? – The Reader Perspective

Audience – IT & Business professionals Occasion – The Register Green Computing Debate – March[...]

Tackling the CO2 issue

Here’s a shock for all who know me: I say, “Good on you Tony Blair.”[...]

Greenpeace slams Microsoft. Again.

Greenpeace has just published its seventh Guide to Greener Electronics. If you visit the website[...]

??$*!!**?? — Yep, I am buying a house…

Analyst invents novel scoring system for rating the people he’s paying to buy a house.[...]

Who does China’s pollution belong to?

Last week the free Metro newspaper carried a front-page chart of carbon emissions by country.[...]

Left brains are useful, but…

Jill Bolte Taylor gave a most moving 19-minute presentation at the recent TED conference. It[...]

What’s wrong with our world?

I make no apologies for introducing you to a short movie called The Story of[...]

Downgrading from Vista to XP

I blogged a while back on how a Vista upgrade effectively rendered my old desktop[...]

Get a Life..Cycle

Meetings with two different vendors recently got me thinking about ‘opposites’ and how it’s probably[...]