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Dell’s ’carbon neutrality’ claim

Good news that Dell has claimed to be carbon neutral five months ahead of schedule.[...]

National EPEATs needed now

It doesn’t matter who you ask in the ’environmental IT’ world, no-one can point to[...]

Public VoIP for business – a viable option?

My previous post explored my very positive experience with public VoIP. My views haven’t diminished[...]

The long and winding road to application service availability

Strange as it may seem today the days of hyper-resilient systems have yet to arrive.[...]

Hacking through the green jungle

If you want to lead a guilt-laden and depressing life, get yourself a machete and[...]

Cloud Computing – Costly Storm or Gentle Breeze?

It’s hard to read an article on the web these days without either “Cloud computing”[...]

Testing Governance And Data Management – The lie of the land

Audience – Security and policy officers Occasion – Optim user event Presenter(s) – Jon Collins[...]

A desirable and practical digital book?

Nothing is more satisfying, nor more wasteful of resources, than printing out some of the[...]

Green tips from the real world

I spend far too much time poring over information provided by government departments, quangos and[...]

A breath of fresh air. Eventually.

Many companies have spoken to me of their ambitions to become carbon neutral by some[...]

A holistic approach to green IT is essential

Green computing is an admirable objective ­ – but because the strategy focuses on computing[...]

Hassle-free online conferencing

Do people in your company need to collaborate fairly intimately with others who are geographically[...]

Watch worker activity to predict software demands

If you listen to the Web 2.0 or Enterprise 2.0 evangelists, you’d think that the[...]

Why I’m interested in Open Source

Because its having a distorting effect on the rest of the industry. I’m afraid I[...]

Time to green-light sustainable IT

With their piecemeal approaches, most organisations are merely dabbling with green technology. True sustainability is[...]

Public VoIP for cheap long distance calls

I had to prepare for a research project recently that would involve conducting lengthy telephone[...]

The Cool Curve and related matters

Toby Moores is a businessman whose stock in trade is ideas. His company generates them[...]

Cut print costs and related harm

Last week three reports dropped (digitally) into my lap. They were all on the subject[...]

How ICT can help broad environmental initiatives

For some time, I’ve been banging on about the opportunities for ICT to improve the[...]

Intelligent BI – Defining the Requirement

Audience – IT & Business professionals Occasion – IT Week Web Seminar – July 2008[...]

Sustainability is not an add-on or a departmental issue

A curious phenomenon has emerged with environmental action within organisations. For once, the staff appear[...]

Going on active service requires a team effort

This article is hosted on an external website. Please click here to view it in[...]

Will software gallop to our rescue?

My first love, apart from my family and close friends, has always been software. I[...]

Not If or When, The Question is What?

A few weeks ago I pointed out that IT management tools are finally, after many[...]