Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

Adobe Connect: digital meeting rooms

Had a demonstration session from Adobe the other day. It was making its Connect Pro[...]

Data Centres, Carbon and Clouds

by David Tebbutt The purpose of this paper is to set the data centre and[...]

Home-grown Enterprise 2.0 at GE

The recent Office 2.0 conference appeared a well-organised and serene affair, totally hiding the furious[...]

Outsourcing changes are afoot

Outsourcing comes in many guises, from full management of a voice and data network, to[...]

Freedom from the tyranny of typing

Be warned. This blog post is being done by voice. I’m using Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10.[...]

BT in tune with the market on UC?

Although the Unified Communications (UC) propositions from the key vendors in the market encompass a[...]

IT Budgets, Clouds and Virtualisation

Currently there is a lot of noise being generated regarding Cloud Computing and flexible IT[...]

Adobe Genesis addresses real needs

Breaking ranks with the ’browser-only’ brigade, Adobe is planning to introduces a desktop client to[...]

Content might be free, but information needs expertise

Some people argue that, because information is free and widely available through the internet, no[...]

Storage Expo preview: Get to the bottom of storage efficiency

It is easy to be glib about such things as storage efficiency. In principle, things[...]

Free screen sharing and chat with Yuuguu

It’s always good when you stumble across free software that does a ‘good enough’ job.[...]

Office 2.0 unconference

Went to an unconference today. For those unfamiliar with the term, it’s based on the[...]

The Joy Of Bits

Audience – European Journalists Occasion – Dell meeting, Stamford Bridge London Presenter(s) – Tony Lock[...]

A happy announcement

Everyone here at Freeform Dynamics would like to welcome a new arrival, although too young[...]

BCS to help data centre decision making

People around the world are tearing their hair out trying to get to grips with[...]

Encrypt your memory sticks (HMG)

Yet another security breach fo the Home Secretary to wrestle with. This time PA Consulting[...]

Time To Take the Tablet – Vista’s unsung platform

Several years ago Microsoft launched its Tablet software with much fanfare. Today the platform has[...]

iPhone: First impressions of a Blackberry user

For a while now, I have maintained two mobile phones – one for business use[...]

Putting email in its place

A very brave chap I know, called Luis Suarez, has dared to challenge his company’s[...]

Collaborative technology is all about people

David Tebbutt takes a look at the growing number of collaboration technologies, from wikis to[...]

Dell’s ’carbon neutrality’ claim

Good news that Dell has claimed to be carbon neutral five months ahead of schedule.[...]

Missing Metadata

by Tony Lock When it comes to information, most organisations’ efforts have focussed on processing[...]

National EPEATs needed now

It doesn’t matter who you ask in the ’environmental IT’ world, no-one can point to[...]

Public VoIP for business – a viable option?

My previous post explored my very positive experience with public VoIP. My views haven’t diminished[...]