Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

The jury’s in: Effective software delivery

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been running a series of articles, polls and feedback[...]

Storage Expo – What happened in 2008?

In 2007 the UK’s large exhibition focussed on the storage industry found itself parroting all[...]

How should software developers be paid? – By the line?

The success of any software development organisation depends on balancing a whole range of factors[...]

Revealed: The golden rules of managing software projects – Buff up your halos

We asked what looks to have been a pretty contentious question – what’s the role[...]

SAPTechEd: Lead or follow, but get out of the way

Another theme at SAP TechEd08 is agility-as the company evolves, it needs to help the[...]

SAPTechEd: Irony and Contradictions

The annual SAPTechEd, being held in Berlin this week, is hosting over, 4500 attendees, record[...]

SAPTechEd: Maintaining enterprise IT momentum through an economic downturn

Sitting here at SAP TechEd08, one nagging question gets in the way of appreciating the[...]

Should software developers do it for themselves?

On March 7, 1992, a little-known Finnish software developer called Linus Torvalds issued version 0.13[...]

Agile Development’s Secret Sauce – It’s all in the recipe

One criticism levelled at Agile methodologies for software development is that of scale. “It’s all[...]

Content blunderbuss hits everything but the target

We humans have been sending signals out into space in the hope that, one day,[...]

Be the star of the show

Ever since Stewart Brand declared that “information wants to be free” in 1984, he has[...]

Agile development – can’t scale, won’t scale?

Who could fault the base principles of agility? I was recently talking to a CIO[...]

Collaboration: hidden or open?

Sometimes it’s good to see what’s going on inside other companies. It might make you[...]

Distributed software development is hard – But is there hope?

Poll results The Reg reader poll run earlier this week as part of our agile[...]

Is IT offshoring ready for “Designed in India”?

There’s an interesting article in India’s Business Standard newspaper this week, about the impending plans[...]

Social software and a troubled bank

Wachovia Bank is in the process of being largely gobbled up by Citigroup(Update 6 Oct:[...]

Socialtext Launches Socialtext 3.0, Battle for Enterprise 2.0 Heats Up

Socialtext, known for its enterprise wiki solution, made a serious play for the enterprise 2.0[...]

Developing software in the global village

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Agile development workshop: Lessons learned

Reader research conducted via the Reg Technology Panel over the last few years has consistently[...]

The Fear of Buying

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Prudent planning is key to harnessing the cloud

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HP raises the green bar

Most vendors are very uneasy about discussing the accumulated environmental harm in their backward supply[...]

Are today’s developers more creative?

Back last year, I stumbled into a conversation at a conference just as a twenty-something[...]

The Impact of IT Security Attitudes

by Jon Collins Much has been written about the existence of various threats, internal and[...]