Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

The contact centre – the answer to UC vendors’ prayers?

Unified Communications (UC) hasn’t really captivated the market in the way that vendors had originally[...]

Windows 7. Microsoft, rabbit, hat?

Last Friday Microsoft allowed all and sundry access to the beta version of its next[...]

Asset Management

Audience – General Web Audience View more OpenOffice presentations from Freeform Dynamics. To view full[...]

Where now for Content Management?

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CA sets out its sustainability stall

Imagine my joy when a 3.1MB pdf from CA landed on my digital desk. When[...]

Justifying investment in collaboration technology

Having listened to a lot of vendors and advocates talk about the rationale for investment[...]

The Economic Downturn and IT Service Delivery

The economic outlook for many organisations has taken a decidedly frosty turn, as the figure[...]

Do you need video in your enterprise?

As we enter 2009, reducing spending, improving productivity of smaller teams, and the perceived imperative[...]

Data Retention

by Jon Collins and Martin Atherton Earlier last year we conducted some research on the[...]

The broadening collaboration gap

One of the basic principles upon which all of our research at Freeform Dynamics is[...]

Social And Collaborative Aspects Of Virtual Worlds – And their impact on corporate behavior

Audience – Academics and IT managers Occasion – ISGIG 2008, Pisa Presenter(s) – Jon Collins[...]

Enterprise 2.0 and the issue of workforce composition

Following on from my previous post on the importance of social media enthusiasts breaking out[...]

Breaking out of the social media echo chamber

I was alerted through Twitter to an interesting blog post by Amber Naslund entitled “Are[...]

Unlocking IT-IT relationships

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Downturn perception versus reality?

I am in two minds about the feedback we have received recently through our research[...]

IT trends – And their impact on software licensing

Audience – Senior account managers Occasion – Sales Kick-off Presenter(s) – Jon Collins There’s a[...]

That’s cloud computing. But not as we know it, Jim

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Reg readers say ‘don’t panic’ about the economy

Reg Tech Panel Few would now dispute the reality of the global ‘credit crunch’ and[...]

Keeping control in the downturn

As the debate continues about just how bad and long-lasting the economic downturn will be,[...]

IT Delivery in the Downturn

by Dale Vile and Tony Lock KEY POINTS Most IT professionals see challenges on the[...]

Let vendors lubricate your business

I visited two small businesses last week and each had a tale of woe. The[...]

The application platform’s in play. But where’s it going?

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The Video Market—Hot or Not in 2009?

At recent video industry events, optimism filled the talks of virtually every speaker, from content[...]

Supporting the application platform – Better the devil you know?

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