Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

Big Blue ISV double-take

In comparison to many of its strategic competitors, IBM has been behind the curve in[...]

You did what? The trials of supporting remote users

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Users: The weakest link in laptop security

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Of laptop data security-Done the basics – or sleepwalking along a precipice?

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Cloud Computing – From myth to reality

Audience – Architects Occasion – Architects Council Presenter(s) – Jon Collins What can organisations really[...]

Recipe for improving operational IT – take two-thirds best practice, one-third tools

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Lotusphere mop-up; then I’ll shut up

Rather than write a series of blog posts of ever-diminishing interest (for me and for[...]

Don’t let Microsoft timescales dictate your Windows migration

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The security risks of snow

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Hope for IT spending ahead

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Forget the cloud: what’s in it for you?

Rackspace is never backward in coming forward with suggestions that help it grow its business.[...]

Virtualisation – The State of Play

An overview of server, storage and desktop virtualisation and where it fits at the beginning[...]

Thin provisioning FAQ

Tony Lock,answers common questions on thin provisioning. His answers are also available below as an[...]

A coherent approach to customer satisfaction

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Mobile broadband or WiFi? You betcha – Horses for wireless courses

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Dodging Stockholm Syndrome at Lotusphere

holm Syndrome”>Stockholm Syndrome in which hostages empathise with their abductors. Having just come back from[...]

Information management must move with the times

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Inverting the business hierarchy

Last week saw IBM’s annual Lotusphere shindig in Orlando. I was there, suffering the usual[...]

The organisational social software paradox

Last week I reported on the shape of the enterprise social networking space with the[...]

Whose notebook is it anyway?

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Google gets real on Apps go-to-market

I was interested and encouraged to see the announcement this week from Google of its[...]

How real is the mobile VoIP opportunity?

At first glance, mobile VoIP has the potential to be a significantly more disruptive technology[...]

The knowledge worker and Enterprise 2.0

Always good to hear Andrew McAfee in action. He's the guy who coined the Enterprise[...]

The role of Microsoft in the downturn

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