Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

Taking stock of the IT environment

by Martin Atherton and Jon Collins The business demands more and more from its investment[...]

Cisco and NASA to save the planet?

You can't beat a good slogan for grabbing attention. And, to prove it, here I[...]

Cloud computing – from myth to reality

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Will the BPOS cloud ensure Microsoft’s future?

Yesterday, Microsoft announced 'worldwide' availability of its Business Productivity Online Suite. And it barely mentioned[...]

Securing the corporation

In the past couple of articles we have considered why security is important and what[...]

Wake up little Fu-Sie

Tomorrow sees the start of the huge CeBIT ICT exibition in Germany where 4,300 companies[...]

Application Platforms

by Jon Collins and Martin Atherton KEY FINDINGS The principle of application platforms is clear,[...]

It pays to think big

When it comes to generic requirements from IT, there isn’t really much to separate large[...]

Information Management in the Retail Sector

by Martin Atherton EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Retail is the market where real-time decision making is catalysed[...]

IBM – getting sentimental?

In our online, data driven society, a vast amount of opinion transfer goes on every[...]

Reg Reader poll on notebook quality: results are in

Our recent poll of Reg readers on their perceptions of some of the most prominent[...]

Are Apple and Sony worth the price premium?

Our recent poll of Reg readers on their perceptions of some of the most prominent[...]

BT’s Tuppen: Green carrots or sticks

Dr Chris Tuppen is one of those people you take to immediately. He's enthusiastic, kindly[...]

What are the security threats? – Sophisticated Malware or just People?

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The Business Value of Social Networking

Say “social networking” to many people and they equate it to “time wasting”.Within an organisation,[...]

The Business Value of Social Networking

Audience – Business/IT Occasion – Annual Communications Management Association conference 2009 Presenter – David Tebbutt[...]

Social tools don’t have to disrupt

This morning my (other) blog emailed me to say that ‘Steve’ had commented on a[...]

Making IT security matter

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VDI’s Biggest Challenge

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IT Shouldn’t Sell Itself Short

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Taking note of notebooks – Get a handle on remote assets

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Mobile operators drive for customer centricity

by Josie Sephton The mobile service provider market is increasingly characterised by high levels of[...]

Thoughts from IBM Pulse : 1

Weirdly enough, I feel sorry for Vegas right now. The very ideas that could save[...]

The business value of collaboration software

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