Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

Applications, languages, and tools in 2008-9

This is one of a series of articles which draws on research conducted in partnership[...]

An unjustified poke at social media

When I was a kid, we used to sneer at the children who scuttled indoors[...]

WAN Optimisation

There is a lot of talk concerning ’Cloud services’. But what are some of the[...]

At cute corporates it’s good to talk

Four years ago, when IWR interviewed social computing expert Euan Semple about return on investment,[...]

Align green and business strategy, or fail

Call me an idiot if you like, but I fell for one of the oldest[...]

Mobile TV – who’s watching?

Despite regular predictions of mass market adoption of mobile TV, take up to date has[...]

Free tool for design collaboration

A few days ago SmallBizPod was invited to try out a new collaboration took for[...]

The Messaging is The Medium: IBM is down, but not out

Reg Tech Panel Messaging is a thread that runs through IT from top to bottom,[...]

Do we get the IT security we deserve?

In recent weeks we have run a number of connected “articles” about IT security. In[...]

How to ensure a smooth converged comms transition

by Josie Sephton Converged communications promises to accelerate business processes and remove frustration and friction[...]

Gloomy outlook from BT/Independent’s SustainIT forum

Yesterday’s forum run by BT and the Independent was a culmination of a ’multi-channel media[...]

Which desktop Linux distribution? – Hobbyist versus serious deployment

One of the most common objections to desktop Linux is fragmentation. With so many distributions,[...]

Mobile operators: It’s time to get personal

The recession is making life harder than ever for mobile operators. Freeform Dynamics analyst Josie[...]

Dynamic Business Intelligence

by Tony Lock and Dale Vile One of the most versatile assets many organisations have[...]

Security in the clouds – or clouds in security?

Cloud Computing’ is the marketing term of the moment, despite lacking a formal definition (this[...]

Salesforce/Twitter: genuine help or fake sincerity?

Interesting that Marc Benioff (boss of should choose to announce the addition of Twitter[...]

Threats and how to counter them

Freeform Dynamics recently researched business attitudes to security threats and identified a number of organisations[...]

Ready-to-go project management with Teamwork

As a journalist, I used to spend about seventy percent of my time on the[...]

Green IT for Dummies: HP/Freeform Dynamics special edition

Eleven months ago, to the day, Freeform Dynamics and Wiley put the wheels in motion[...]

Web 2.0 + KM = a winner

Artificial intelligence, expert systems and knowledge management – or AI, ES and KM to the[...]

IT: Set your sights high

Because business functions depend on IT systems, in this downturn IT budgets are unlikely to[...]

Chargeback – its time has come

The fact that most of the world is currently undergoing a challenging time, as a[...]

Tag clouds massively improve web searches

Until a couple of days ago, I had not heard of INTSPEI – the International[...]

The eroding enterprise boundary – Lock Down and Open Up

Businesses today function effectively only when the organisation supports effective collaboration between its staff and[...]