Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

App dev security – where are the risks?

Thanks for some great comments from the article about making applications more secure. One of[...]

Catching your clients at moments of need

With mobile service providers offering more and more, in their bid to keep subscribers hooked[...]

We are all in this together

Can we please everyone when it comes to IT? Most businesses, regardless of their size,[...]

Chrome OS: Windows killer?

Google’s announcement last week concerning its plans to bring out a fully fledged operating system[...]

The truth behind the Google/Microsoft/NHS rumours

Before Monday July 6th, did you know that Google and Microsoft had services for storing[...]

Scoping UC – all bases covered?

While lots of people think Unified Communications (UC) is a nice idea, they don’t necessarily[...]

Critical role for channel today

The channel is the route through which most IT is sold and implemented and, while[...]

Making IT Work In The Real World

Most organisations run a mix of systems in their IT infrastructure. One of the challenges[...]

Service Management 2009

Audience – European Journalists Occasion – CA Event, Munich Presenter(s) – Tony Lock View more[...]

The evolving role of the mobile operator

Mobile operators have their roots firmly in the utility services space. Indeed, many business customers[...]

How secure are your applications? – Locking the stable door before the horse bolts

Let’s be blunt. The fine heritage of application development has not traditionally incorporated the pre-emptive[...]

Will sustainability turn BT Global Services’ fortunes?

The IT or, to give it it's full name, the ICT industry has led a[...]

We’ve created a monster! Truth and fiction in SOA

Audience – Senior technical architects from a variety of industries Occasion – Architects Council meeting,[...]

In-building coverage: What’s the problem?

Most mobile calls, voice and data, are made inside a building – at home, at[...]

Inter-company team collaboration

Jeremy Ettinghausen, head of digital publishing at Penguin, and Tom Thirlwall, managing director of small[...]

Virtual events aren’t real events shoved online

As you know, most of us are facing financial difficulties and some of us are[...]

Is there hope for unified comms?

The evangelists are calling for businesses to implement unified communications (UC), citing a whole raft[...]

Is telehealth coming at last?

Yesterday at Cisco's C-Scape analyst briefing, we were treated to a presentation by one James[...]

Moments of Need

by Josie Sephton and Dale Vile With high speed networks, sophisticated devices and a myriad[...]

IT security and Governance

By Jon Collins It has sometimes been said that in Information Technology, the emphasis has[...]

Taking the horror out of SOA

Why SOA makes sense It is more than 75 years since the story of Frankenstein’s[...]

The Future of Mainframes

Over the course of the last decade there has been considerable discussion about the future[...]

Spending surviving the credit crunch, says research

You do not need me to tell you that times are hard. The economic climate,[...]

Screen and voice recording/publishing for free

Any company that makes life easy for its customers gets my vote. And one company[...]