Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

A practical guide to deploying green IT

Audience – ICAEW members/subscribers Occasion – ICAEW conference 28 October 2009 Presenter – David Tebbutt[...]

PC Refresh Equals PC Disposal

We asked what drives you to refresh or replace your PC and laptop estates and[...]

What are you doing about refreshing the PC estate?

We know from respondents that the age of desktop estates vary greatly, not just between[...]

Keep a clear head on environmental issues

Did you see the Act On CO2 quango’s ’bedtime stories’ advertisement? It tells children that[...]

Reg readers take mobile makers to task

When Freeform Dynamics asked you for your opinion of your mobile phone, you didn’t hesitate[...]

Anatomy of an IT leader: From master to orchestrator

One of the recurring debates in the IT industry is around how the role of[...]

Remote IT support ’is harder’

Perish the thought that we at Freeform Towers should try to over-simplify things, but from[...]

Frighten the kids, or encourage the grown-ups?

Have you seen the Act On CO2 ’bedtime stories’ advertisement that our dear government has[...]

Microsoft is learning to share – but not soon enough?

Jive, an enterprise-focused social software company, has a catchy tagline: it says it’s going to[...]

Securing the remote estate – Lock ‘em down or set ‘em free?

One of the challenges of managing a remote desktop estate is security. It’s not a[...]

Storage Virtualisation – the lie of the land

This article is hosted on an external website. Please click here to view it in[...]

What do Scotland, Australia and Africa have in common?

Unified Communications (UC) is a pretty hot topic with analysts and vendors alike. Yet despite[...]

When PCs went mobile – Tears of joy or sorrow?

Do you remember the first time you saw a laptop? Shiny bright LED screen, pixels[...]

Today’s users don’t expect things to fail

A recent mini-poll reveals, as perhaps expected, that the primary source of information used to[...]

Everything as a service

The influence of IT in everyday business operations continues to increase. Until a few years[...]

How much does desktop PC support actually cost?

Here’s a direct question on this (hopefully sunny) day. Do you, or does anyone in[...]

Try these beans: Business Service Management

In recent weeks we’ve received plenty of meaty responses in roughly equal measures (positive and[...]

Online Information will keep you up to date

Well, the Online Information conference is almost upon us. It’s a great chance for information[...]

Establishing the Business Case for SOA enabled BPM

When it comes to business process modelling and optimisation, it’s easy to get bogged down[...]

Scoping SOA enabled transformation – Getting Started

Short video clip from Q&A session on scoping SOA initiatives, and why not to be[...]

Evolution of Dynamic IT

by Dale Vile and Tony Lock Against the backdrop of an increasingly fast moving and[...]

The great productivity myth: Are we slaves to the machine?

We know from numerous research studies that, while there are indeed ‘bad guys out there’,[...]

Remind me what we’re doing again? Service management round up

Over the past few weeks that we’ve been writing about service management, it’s become very[...]

Desktop minipoll results – user ignorance is bliss?

The results are in from our latest mini-poll, and they are pretty conclusive – even[...]