Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

Never mind virtual desktops – what about the apps?

Conventional wisdom says that when planning an IT project, the things to get right before[...]

The unrealised potential of ERP and CRM – Poll results

With all of that money, time and effort expended on ERP and CRM systems over[...]

Setting application data free

The best time to sell someone pain relief is when they are hurting, and so[...]

Business Productivity An Alternative View

The Register’s Tim Phillips, Jon Collins and IBM’s Gary Gomersall give the lowdown on alternative[...]

Optimising Business Communications

Communication is central to every aspect of business life. This webcast looks at how the[...]

The state of the x86 server estate

Server estates are rarely static. This webcast uncovers the trends reported for refreshing servers and[...]

The Options for Virtual Desktops

Fashions come and go, in IT as well as ‘real life’, and those charged with[...]

Expanding the footprint of enterprise apps

Many organisations originally invested in ERP and CRM suites to deal with specific problems they[...]

Evolution of x86 Server Estates

by Dale Vile and Jon Collins Justifying the purchase of x86 servers to run new[...]

Juggling server virtualisation and database workloads

As the conversation moves from generic virtualisation of ‘quick win’ workloads such as web servers[...]

Respondents lay out their selection criteria for app packages

While software sales and marketing people often try to convince business people that the technical[...]

Keep an eye on the big picture

If a datacentre were a person, who would it be? My thinking right now is[...]

Evaluating enterprise application software

A seasoned ERP salesman coaching a junior colleague once said: “The trick, my boy, is[...]

Unified networking: Reality or a marketing myth?

We all know that the IT Infrastructure has a life of its own. In the[...]

Is losing a mobile device really such a big deal?

These days, it’s no surprise to anybody that staff mobility – everything from home working[...]

Is server virtualization ready for production?

The adoption of server virtualization technology follows several trajectories. We could consider the breadth of[...]

Orchestration and the server environment

Few words in the IT industry’s vocabulary are more grandiose than ‘orchestration’, evoking images of[...]

Virtualisation in the smaller business

Many of the comments on some of the virtualisation articles we have written to date[...]

Looking back at packaged application rigidity and lock-in

When packaged applications first appeared on the scene a quarter of a century ago, it[...]

We’re going for optimised workload delivery…

Who wouldn’t want IT to be delivered in a more dynamic, flexible, agile, [insert your[...]

Is the eco-wind blowing your way?

It wasn’t so long ago that all ’green’ activity went under the heading of ’idealism’.[...]

Poll Results – Just how political is your IT organisation?

For this week, the last in this workshop series, we were looking at the near-future,[...]

Moving to a new app? Mind the data trap

If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for software that will improve[...]

Poll Results – Server upgrade and disposal plans

We asked you a number of questions around whether you have any immediate plans to[...]