Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

Why an embedded OS is like a mammal

Embedded software applications are like the mammals of the software industry – while the monolithic[...]

Is dynamic IT management necessary for mid-sized firms?

It’s a fair assumption that the operational management of IT follows some kind of maturity[...]

Who actually needs virtualisation and collaboration tools

Email is now routinely referenced as a mission critical system. The importance of tools that[...]

Sensible business process management (BPM) for sensible times

By Martin Atherton By most accepted standards somewhere north of two thirds/70% of IT budgets[...]

Understanding service requirements: How true are the truisms?

How easy it is to say that ‘IT service delivery should start with the business’?[...]

Getting up to speed on desktop virtualisation

Now’s not a bad time to be considering this stuff I remember reading an analyst[...]

Demystifying architecture for non-enterprise organizations

Architecture, schmarchitecture… words like “architecture” get banded around in IT like they have a specific[...]

Delivering and deploying software for virtualisation

To date, much of the outside attention on virtualisation has fallen on the infrastructure side[...]

Embedded developments – What’s needed to push things further?

Is anyone still developing software anymore, particularly in smaller-scale, “embedded” systems running on platform-specific operating[...]

Server Virtualisation for real: When your IT shop really is a Zoo

Keeping virtualised IT systems running requires more than technology. This webcast looks at how Chester[...]

How do you manage service levels in a virtualised environment?

In previous research projects we’ve examined the impact of service level monitoring and management, and[...]

Data protection and identity management – are you sure you’re safe?

Data protection is an essential area for businesses, and an increasingly critical one to deal[...]

Are there Clouds on the Horizon?

Seldom in the history of IT marketing has there been such a tornado of hype[...]

Looking back… and forward

This year has not been easy for many. By all accounts it has been a[...]

The double-edged sword of virtualisation security

A quick search will provide ample warnings of the risks of adding virtualisation technology to[...]

What to do about virtual server security?

Security’s important, right? Well, so it may be – but when it comes to virtualisation,[...]

Lighting up management’s information blind spot – Poll results

Consultants and analysts often trot out lines about the importance of ‘IT-business alignment’, encouraging IT[...]

Where is virtualisation taking you?

Anyone who’s been in this industry for longer than a decade will know that some[...]

Business application suppliers: What do we want?

As we near the end of another decade it is an appropriate time to look[...]

Time for the channel to step in on data protection

Data protection processes have been around since the beginning of IT yet few organisations are[...]

Server Virtualisation for Hard-Nosed People

This webcast reveals the experiences of organisations who have extensive practice of x86 server virtualisation.[...]

Ready for VoIP?

By Josie Sephton It seems at last that business-grade VoIP is making its mark in[...]

The Economics of Virtualisation

Virtualisation is clearly one of IT’s great fashions, and as such continues to attract huge[...]

Balancing user and business expectations

Nobody wants to go back to the early days of packaged applications when green screens[...]