Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

Securing the Un-securable?

Audience – IT security practitioners and academics Occasion – BCS Information Security Special Interest Group[...]

Making life easier for the road warrior

In the past decade we have witnessed the use of laptops in organisations reaching similar[...]

Do ERP projects ever end?

In some organisations, the ERP system represents the biggest single entity within the IT environment.[...]

Dealing with the virtual hype

There are few if any technologies that have garnered as much industry coverage as virtualisation[...]

Telcos to deliver VaaS

This is hilarious or sad, whichever way you look at it. Eyeing the Twitter feed[...]

Desktop refresh cycles: How long is yours?

Depending on the organisation you work in, the notion of ‘desktop refresh’ will have taken[...]

Business productivity: Talking a more holistic view

The word ‘productivity’ comes up a lot when IT vendors and service providers talk about[...]

Potholes on the road to server virtualisation – And how to avoid them

While the broader question of what’s going to prevent server virtualisation going mainstream might be[...]

ERP checkpoint. Legacy, liability or future proof business platform?

A lot of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in place today were installed in the[...]

High performance for the masses – Commoditisation at the high-end

High-Performance Computing (HPC) has traditionally been seen as the domain of the über-specialist. It’s as[...]

Virtualisation and vendor support

You may be playing around with virtualisation on the edges of your IT environment or[...]

Dedication to regulation

By Martin Atherton Regulation is a fact of life and business. The signs are that[...]

Virtualisation and the private cloud

IT, like every industry, is from time to time compelled by those with PR budgets[...]

On enterprise networking and administration

There are some things in life that everyone just expects to function, almost without thought.[...]

Will we stop talking about virtualisation?

Virtualisation has come to the fore largely through the seemingly insatiable demand for x86 server[...]

Getting there – the road to virtualisation

Despite the annual technology prediction-fest that pollutes the airways each year, it’s fair to say[...]

Virtualisation and Security

As x86 / x64 server virtualisation moves into everyday operations, what impact does it have[...]

Virtualisation and management frameworks

Our research in the field of operational IT management has yielded much in the way[...]

IT infrastructure for midsized companies

Zeynep Koch of Oracle joins Jon Collins to discuss IT infrastructure for midsized companies, the[...]

Assessing your server virtualisation needs

One of the appealing things about server virtualisation is that the “table stakes” are quite[...]

Desktop evolution offers alternative admin options

Love them or loathe them, desktops are integral to IT service delivery. They are the[...]

Freshening the desktop fleet

Spring is almost here and many feel 2010 will be better than 2009. While UK[...]

How much does desktop PC support actually cost?

By Jon Collins Do you, or does anyone in your organisation, know precisely how much[...]

Desktops: Why you should care about them. Now.

IT is full of ’big ideas’ like business process management, business intelligence and cloud computing[...]