Author Archives: Dale Vile

SaaS suppliers are no black box, evaluation is key

An aspect of cloud computing that is often overlooked is supplier evaluation and management. We[...]

SaaS providers – The good, the bad and the ugly

Interested in software as a service (SaaS) but worried about the risks to your information?[...]

Information in action

Information is power, right? Only if you can harness it and deliver it where and[...]

Software as a service can breed dependency so choose suppliers with care

Cloud computing is frequently likened to utility services such as electricity, water or gas. If[...]

The weakest link in Software as a Service

The delivery of cloud based application functionality via the Software as a Service (SaaS) model[...]

Whose data is it anyway?

Losing control of one’s data is among the first concerns that arise when software as[...]

Channel impact of cloud computing

The writing is on the wall. As cloud computing steamrolls across the market, on-premise infrastructure[...]

Is cloud data secure?

Would your data be more secure in the hands of Google or left where it[...]

A question of performance

Software as a service (SaaS) promises a lot but many are still nervous about relying[...]

Trust and risk in the cloud

Stick enough kit and multi-tenant software in one huge data centre and there is no[...]

The changing shape of the desktop

By Josie Sephton, Dale Vile & Tony Lock KEY FINDINGS The desktop environment is ready[...]

The perception and reality of cloud security

Some back to front thinking in evidence? One of the most frequent concerns about cloud[...]

The great mainframe utilisation debate

Are you getting the most out of yours? Someone recently asked me why mainframes are[...]

Cloud computing will devalue the role of IT professionals

Exploding this and other myths You’ve heard the rhetoric: Cloud computing changes everything. The days[...]

Intel helps customers take ownership of the cloud agenda

Most major players in the IT industry have attempted to take ownership of the cloud[...]

Lithium helped the penny to drop

A more tangible take on social CRM While I go about my business as an[...]

Applied Cloud Computing

By Dale Vile and Tony Lock Introduction The term ‘cloud computing’ is one of the[...]

Devices and the Cloud

What’s your perfect device? Are you a BlackBerry, iPhone or Android smartphone fan? Are you[...]

Beyond the cloud computing hype

Have you ever wondered what we will be left with once the marketing people get[...]

Defining cloud computing

The media, social media, analyst and marketing domains sometimes act like an echo chamber. The[...]

Improving Systems Agility

By Dale Vile One of the most common complaints heard from business people about the[...]

Life after cloud computing

By Dale Vile Have you ever wondered what we will be left with once the[...]

Solvency II: Threat or Opportunity?

By Dale Vile and Jon Collins INTRODUCTION The emergence of new regulation always presents a[...]