Keeping score in the public sector

Hardly a day goes by without news coverage around whether some public sector organisation or other is delivering against expectations, making the best use of funding, or otherwise performing adequately.

This is something we are exploring in our latest reader survey. Apart from enlightening the rest of us as taxpayers, there is a more purposeful reason for getting into this. As you will probably be aware, we like to conduct research that will allow readers to learn lessons from their peers, and in this case we have our sights firmly on stimulating a bit of knowledge transfer between those working in the public sector.

In particular, we looking at gaining feedback on challenges, solutions and best practice in the area of reporting, decision support and overall performance management. Whether it’s simple information availability or more comprehensive analytics and business intelligence, we’d be interest in hearing about the kinds of things being measured, how often and how well, and gaining insights into the types of tools and techniques that are working for you – or not, as the case may be.

So, if you have any involvement in or knowledge of information management, reporting and analytics in a public sector context, have you say and we’ll report back on lessons learned once we have crunched the results.

Click here to participate in the survey.


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