Calling data center professionals everywhere

How does the world look to you? We want to draw a picture of the world from the point of view of the data center professional – several pictures in fact, depending on the size of your business, the way your IT environment is organized and your role in the whole thing.

As I was once told by a senior ops guy, many people “have no idea what it’s really like to be inside a data centre.” So if that’s the place you spend your days, either physically or figuratively, now’s the moment to tell us what it’s really like.

We’re interested in your data centers: whether they exist for your own organization, or whether you host facilities on behalf of others. Also, if you’re in a smaller company with a machine room rather than a data center, feel free to join in!

We’ve kept things as short as possible, with plenty of opportunities for freeform feedback if you’re in the mood. So, if you have a burning desire to wax lyrical, fill your boots.

To get cracking, click here.

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