Creating an effective and scalable rapid delivery environment

An effective application and service portfolio is essential to the modern business, but it’s not always possible to get what you need off-the-shelf. This shines a spotlight on software development and delivery, and how well the way you deal with these supports the business. The watchwords here are ‘speed’, ‘agility’, ‘efficiency’, ‘robustness’ and ‘scalability’, enabled through the adoption of modern methods, tools and processes across the whole delivery cycle.

Our Content:

Mainframe skills; time to flip the telescope around?

The more I learn about the world of mainframes, the more I find myself drawn[...]

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S/4HANA Migration: Is Selective Transformation the Answer?

The last big market survey carried out by Freeform Dynamics on SAP migration was completed[...]

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From clipboards to smart data capture; how software-defined scanning is changing the game

When I first heard about ‘smart data capture’, I couldn’t help thinking back to a[...]

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Taking the next step in mainframe observability

Despite their frequently less visible role, mainframes remain indispensable in supporting the critical operations of[...]

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From Barcode Scanning to Smart Data Capture

Time for a more intelligent approach

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Beyond the Barcode: Smart Data Capture

The emerging business imperative for richer, smarter data collection

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Can contributing to open source get you a job?

Could voluntary work on open source projects be a stepping stone to employment?

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Kubernetes as an enterprise multi-cloud enabler

Building out your environment to create a full lifecycle delivery platform

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Tackling the software skills crunch

How IT leaders grow their software engineering resources

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Just because it’s innovative, doesn’t make it good!

One of my hobbyhorses at the moment is how words and adjectives that ought to[...]

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To maximise potential, mainframers must reach out and engage

The team here has always had immense respect for the mainframe community

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Does application modernisation mean what you think it means?

Most people in IT probably think they know what application modernisation is

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Kubernetes and the open-source maintainer question

While much of October's KubeCon-CloudNativeCon North America

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Supporting the needs of highly unpredictable workloads

It’s all about flexibility, scalability and cost effectiveness

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Like a teenager, Kubernetes looks almost grown-up, yet still a bit awkward and confused

Platform: that’s the key word that sprung to mind after attending Kubecon

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Distributed Cloud Computing

An emerging strategic imperative for IT leaders

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Is it a Suite, Package, Bundle or Platform?

People have been selling collections of products and tools for centuries, and with the advent[...]

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Remember when Agile was treated with suspicion?

Throwback Thursday: When we researched the topic of Agile development back in 2008

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Achieving success with your S/4HANA proof of concept (POC)

What to consider when selecting platforms, tools and services

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Software-Accelerated S/4HANA Migration

Striking the right balance and maximizing ROI

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The SMB solution selection challenge

It's all too easy for smaller businesses to get caught out

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Data governance in software testing

Throwback Thursday: this week we're going back to 2008

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The workload mobility imperative

And why it matters

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Defining your SAP modernization journey

Quick wins on the road to S/4HANA

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From data migration to VM mobility

Analyst Blog: We need to think differently about data migration

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Get going with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub

Accelerating adoption of hybrid cloud

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Accelerate to hybrid cloud

FUJITSU Integrated System PRIMEFLEX for Microsoft Azure Stack Hub brings cloud into the data center

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Consistency is key with hybrid cloud

Can Microsoft Azure Stack Hub negate your public cloud barriers?

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The pain of intermittent problems

Can data centres handle sporadic faults?

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Taking vSphere into the future

Which route – Converged, Hyper-converged or DIY?

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The Application Complexity Monster

Do you really want to keep feeding it?

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The Service Integration Journey Infographic

  Content Contributors: Bryan Betts & Laura Rose

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The truth about software reliability

Research results: It's not just about quality

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Simplifying Multi-Cloud Service Delivery

The emerging role of the Cloud Services Marketplace

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Optimizing the software supplier and customer relationship

Insights and lessons from the sharp-end

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Persistent Container Storage: The Business Case

Considerations for organizations deploying containers in production

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Operational Feedback and People

The overlooked element of DevOps

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Managing Software Exposure

Time to fully embed security into your application lifecycle

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Moving to HANA

Key migration considerations for SAP HANA and S/4HANA

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How Agile and DevOps enable digital readiness and transformation

In today’s world, software is everywhere – and it is spreading fast. Once it was[...]

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Causes of software development woes

Respondents point the finger at ambiguous requirements

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Integrating Security Into the DNA of Your Software Lifecycle

“Masters” move beyond pure risk management to focus on business growth

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Requirements-driven software development and quality management

Removing the ambiguity from your delivery pipeline

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Microsoft presents its quantum computing credentials

Thoughts from the Future Decoded event

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Is HoloLens a serious business tool?

It's beginning to look that way

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A cloud for all seasons

Open source PaaS ready for prime time?

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Software quality vs speed of delivery

Are you stuck between a rock and a hard place? Much has been written about[...]

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Software Development Methodology Wars

Don’t get caught in the crossfire between evangelists It is in the nature of technology[...]

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Don’t Let an Outdated Software Strategy Hold You Back

Yesterdays software delivery processes are not up to dealing with today’s demands, but modernising you[...]

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Continuous Testing as a digital business enabler

Lessons from leading practitioners

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DevOps and Cloud Computing

Many are exploiting cloud computing to drive business advantage, while others are enjoying the flexibility[...]

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IT Ops doesn’t matter? Really?

Listen to some DevOps evangelists talk, and you would get the impression that IT operations[...]

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The trouble with business executives…

When IT teams and their colleagues within the business get along, life is good for[...]

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It’s Artificial Intelligence, but not as we know it

Ed: AI is figuring more and more prominently in our industry coverage at Freeform Dynamics.[...]

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Technology as a catalyst for cultural change

Time for a more inspirational approach?

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IT Decision-Making in the Digital Age

Making the right technology investments in today’s fast moving digital age can mean the difference[...]

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Cloud computing reality check

Introduction: Is cloud really a kind of magic? Many have positioned cloud computing as the[...]

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IT Ops as a Digital Business Enabler

Some argue that IT operations doesn’t matter anymore; it’s all about developers. Our aim in[...]

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A peek behind the AI bandwagon

When an important topic or trend gives rise to a marketing and media bandwagon, any[...]

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