I don’t need 4G:

By Charles Brett

The Wall Street Journal of June 4th had an article entitled “Europe Is Losing the 4G Race”. It argues that, from being a cellular leader, the “region trails Asia and the U.S. …”. It attributes this to a lack of investment in 4G plus over-regulation. Talk about the wrong conclusion. Who cares about 4G? It is 4G, arguably, that is irrelevant.

The problem about delivery of 3G is not about conventional voice — talking to each other by phone; the technological requirements here have have not really changed between 2G to 3G to 4G. Instead the key problem concerns data delivery (which does embrace digital voice, including phone conversations made over Skype and others). Digital data over 3G has been a huge customer disappointment, to individuals and to businesses — and this continues, and will likely continue into 4G.

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Content Contributors: Charles Brett

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