Killing the Golden Cloud II:

By Charles Brett

In a previous blog I described how the ‘black state’ (that which Mr Snowden uncovered) may damage both what governments may wish to obtain and many cloud vendors’ aspirations — if the ‘the little people’ (you and me) act. In this blog I am going to write from a more personal level about the actions I propose to research and then take in order to make it harder but, more importantly, more expensive for governments to obtain what they could have had simply by asking.

My starting position has been not to consider what I have to hide: so far as I know, I have little of interest at all (apart from sundry financial details and the like). Instead my starting position has been to divide my data and activities into two broad categories — business and personal (where there any ambiguity exists, then that needs to be included in the personal):

Continue reading on Charles Brett’s Blog…….

Content Contributors: Charles Brett

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